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2 years ago

Basically: Yes.


Chemical impurities will not be removed either. The filter (like all other filters) only filters solids from a certain (vincible) size such as certain viruses, bacteria, protozoa etc.

And the activated carbon filter contained in the Grayl of my knowledge cannot neutralize all of it. In doubt, it only ensures that the water tastes better.

The Grayl is currently “hyped” by a certain YouTube series. In the end, it is also not a filter other than any other better water filter, such as, for example, the one from Katadyn or MSR.

2 years ago
Reply to  Waldmensch70

The filter can do something… but you should read the whole thing carefully before… (but there was a lot of advertising done lately)

2 years ago
Reply to  Davidtheanswer

The filter can do something…

Yeah, sure. I didn’t say he was bad either.
But he’s not necessarily better than others.

And it is based on the “printer principle” that you always have to buy expensive cartridges. – In my opinion, it is a little sustainable in use. Then prefer a filter with a ceramic element such as Katadyn, which can be used significantly longer and in which one does not produce unnecessary plastic waste.