Hallo ich studiere noch nicht und würde gerne wissen wann man sein Studium nicht in Regelstudienzeit schafft? Liegt es daran das man Klausuren verschiebt usw? und wiederholt man dann das semester direkt oder hängt man es später dahinter?
Study semesters don’t work like school years. They’re actually just “how long you’ve been there” with regard to the study period. Otherwise, the purely organizationally relevant, so what events take place when etc. But something like the repetition of an entire class level is not available in study.
There are no fixed requirements for what to do when in the modularized courses (i.e. no state exams such as medicine). But you basically have a list of modules (similar to school subjects) that you hold at least must have completed. Which module you make when, and how many modules per semester, you can theoretically divide yourself very freely.
What you’ve done is done and everything else you haven’t done.
A certain amount of work is required per module (represented in ECTS performance points, one point corresponds to about 30-40 h working time). And if one assumes that a student is a full-time student, i.e. an average of 40 hours of work per week, he creates theoretically enough modules per semester (together 30 points).
And then courses are planned: A bachelor’s degree is usually 6 or 7 semesters full-time, so it includes modules with 180 or 210 ECTS points. If you consistently go through this in such a way that you complete modules with 30 points per semester, you will be finished at this time. That’s the regular study period.
But you have the freedom to make two modules less in one semester, for example, because the others are so heavy and you have to work by the way, etc. Or you didn’t pass modules (= not yet made). You have to change the modules at some point, and if you can’t do them in other semesters/will, you’ll stay at the university until you’ve done them.
And there may also be other delays. For example, that a semester abroad is planned in your studies, you want to do this in Australia, wonderful… oh, the Australian spring semester goes from July to November. So in the German summer semester you can’t be there for the exam phase and you’ll miss a lot from the winter semester. All right, then two German semesters (just from the period of study) go for a semester in Australia.
The time normally set for the final work can also be of a tight dimension. Sometimes, for example, laboratory tests just don’t work as they should and you need much longer than planned until it works. Or one waits for an external work/delivery and is comforted from month to month. In this way, from the planned 3 months for a bachelor’s thesis, which fit right up to the end of the regular period, can spontaneously become a 5-month bachelor’s thesis, and you will slide significantly into the next semester.
The rule period is the ideal case if you create all requirements (clauses, exams, seminars, housework,…) in the first attempt.
That’s what the least students do.
The amount of substance to be mastered during study and the high degree of difficulty, students cannot imagine.
And if students realize that they are completely overwhelmed and don’t manage to prepare for all pending exams, then you just concentrate on 1 or 2 and “shift” the other ones to the next semester/year.
And then there are also the exams in which you have fallen and which you must repeat next semester/year.
Yep. That’s an example. Or it can also simply run stupid without you being able to do something for it, for example, you can do your final work on time in the regular study period, but the supervisor needs 2-3 months to read through the part and then find another 2 months to find an appointment for the exam. And considering that one semester lasts only 6 months, one has already “translated” almost a whole semester.
That’s not how it works. It’s not like a school class. You just study and if you’ve been studying for 4 semesters, you’ll be in the 5th semester. So it is not so that you hang the “4th semester” at the back or repeat it, then you do the corresponding exams in the 5th or 6th semester. The number just describes how long you’ve been studying, no more.
Of course, each semester has a set of plans to do in the semester. And if you always do the best, you will also be finished in a regular period of study. Except there’s something going wrong for you, see example above.
However, the regulations are very different per university. From extremely loose regulations according to which people feel like studying in such a way as to very strict regulations where everyone is exmatricated that is not in the study plan.
oh okey said if you continue to study with the people you started or get separated
Well, that “separates” almost automatically, as I said, that’s not like in school where you make a lase. In most courses, you can choose what you want to hear at least in the higher semesters. Then everyone sits in another lecture, depending on what you have decided. For example, those who hear the lecture only in another semester come to this – and at the end everything is mixed up anyway and one sits together with other people in almost every lecture.
I don’t know exactly, but I’m going to get away with it.
Is that the same at a college?