Regelmäßiger Ausfall von WLAN und Haustelefon?

Hallo Leute,

Ich habe daheim ein älteres Haus mit zwei Stockwerken, die mit einem Speedport Smart 3 Router im unteren Stockwerk ausgestattet sind.
Es sind meist relativ viele Geräte im WLAN verbunden, und alle LAN-Anschlüsse sind belegt. Ein LAN-Anschluss ist für einen Powerline-Adapter (TL-PA7019P KIT). Dazu kommt noch ein Repeater für das obere Stockwerk, da das WLAN bis zu einer bestimmten Entfernung bei mir nicht ausreicht.

Ich habe daher die Frage ob mein “Netz” daheim wegen Überlastung ausfällt, oder ob es an der Telekom liegt?


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3 months ago

No router can be overloaded.

If it’s on the provider, you can see the line failure on the router DSL LED. The LEDs are only available for the KD to see what’s going on.

Then Lan/Wlan will work but you won’t get to the internet. Only cell phone then via mobile phone.

What there are also synch breaks. Then the line fails in rhythm to see this, you have to observe the router longer. Then the DSL LED goes out and flashes when the signal is back. Because he goes up until she lights because the connection is on. it happens all the time.

These are wobble contacts usually in the DSL street distributor. If that suddenly stops, a technician has pulled the looser cable at an appointment, for a completely different KD. You shouldn’t rely on that.

With the HANDY! Calls



The home network

A LAN connection is for a powerline adapter (TL-PA7019P KIT).

Where exactly does he send? Because Wlan hates Wlan, too many Wlan wetted go back.

There is also a repeater for the upper floor, because the WLAN is not enough for me until a certain distance.

Repeaters are difficult. Repeaters must see the router. Doesn’t mean he can’t sit on the first outlet after the stairs in the OG.

You measure the pitch from the repeater with the phone. The repeater comes to about 50% Wlan strength. These are usually 3/4m. If he’s closer, we already had. Wlan hates Wlan. If he sits too far away, he doesn’t get enough Wlan strength.

If the Powerline Adapater also sends up, we found the error.

If Powerline works with you (which does not do in any house), the repeater retires. And you get a 2 matching Powerline adapter. It can then be in the OG at any socket, for example in the hallway or in the youth room. Then with Lan to the PC to zoom. Wlan only for the phones.

Further sources of interference for the Wlan.

  • All other wireless networks Wlan, Bluetooth, Babyfone, Alexa and their colleagues. Headphones without cable.
  • Microwaves
  • Steel ceilings
  • plasterboard,
  • Water pipes in the wall behind the router.
  • Walls, The Wlan mirror
3 months ago
Reply to  Key05

The repeater is further away from the router, not as recommended.

The powerline adapter is quite close to the repeater

What would not be good explanation see above But

Sorry, it’s gonna be a little blur. What many questions are unfortunately I am not in front of you.

(The repeater is only LAN).

Does that mean he gets the signal from the router per Lankabel and then gives Wlan out? Access point.


Is the repeater just taking a Lan signal?

Wlan is still chasingltet? Or not.


Better to say, I think the repeater from the distance is quite good, but this makes repeaters and powerline adapters too close.

Too close together Or too far away?

The powerline adapter is designed for the xbox in the OG to not have to place a network cable.

That’s right

Is this a Lankan to Xbox now?

Or are you using Wlan?

How many ask written. Partially enough to answer. When it goes, give me yard values.

3 months ago

From router to repeater it is approx. 7m

Too much! See phone take ca. 50%

From repeater to powerline adapter it is approx. 5m

That should be far enough apart to avoid disturbing each other.

So you have to put the repeater.

3 months ago

No, because of an overload, a router does not fail. At full load, this will at best be noticeable to the connected components. And the telephony has a higher priority, but does not need so much bandwidth.

3 months ago

We also have an old house, Speedport Smart 4 and 3 Speedhome Wifi works excellent

3 months ago

Hello Key05,

how many devices are on the network?

It might be that Powerline and Repeater could get into the cross somewhere. As already written by other users, it is very difficult to find the cause, as we do not have a precise overview of your home network even after your description.

It greets Wiebke

3 months ago

What do you mean “wasting”? Details would be appropriate

Logbook from the router if available, then you can exclude a malfunction from the provider.

3 months ago
Reply to  Key05

If no WLAN is available, no devices can be connected to the WLAN. Please note: WLAN is not the same Internet!

The “logbook” requested by Exenmensch can be found in the Speedport menu under Settings -> System Information -> System Messages.

3 months ago
Reply to  Key05

If no Wi-Fi is available, you cannot connect. The best way to call a technician from Telekom etc. That’s how it gets nix.

3 months ago
Reply to  Key05

You mean there is no internet connection. – Then I’d restart the router.

3 months ago

if necessary, an acquaintance from your environment also does. Everything needs to be configured correctly, and this will be difficult over the distance. From Powerline, by the way, I’d like to guess today if you don’t have a new building where the electrics are perfect.

3 months ago


3 months ago

Call Telekom. Or someone from your circle of at least n has some basic knowledge to properly configure your routers etc. Here’s the nix.