Regelmäßig Durchfall was tun?
Guten Abend,
Hab mal eine frage, ich bekomme ständig Durchfall und werde jetzt langsam schneller müde. Ich weiß nicht mehr was man noch dagegen tun kann. Meine Hausärztin schiebt es nur auf Stress.
Die Gallenblase habt ich vor paar Jahren entfernt bekommen
In addition to changing the doctor, you should start a dietary diary where you write every meal, exactly what you ate and drank and how your digestion reacted to it.
Okay, I’ll do it many thanks
What you can do is a probiotics cure, can be that your intestinal flora is completely damaged with the probiotics help you the intestinal flora.
Thank you
Probiotics – Wikipedia
May I ask what this is?
Think about a change of doctor and get a competent second opinion.
Specialist in gastroenterology.
Yes, I’m right
You should visit a gastroenterologist…
It is difficult to make a lot of only stomach and resolution
A few days ago you had diarrhea where you only drank
Yes more than the tip “see a gastroenterologist” I can’t give you..
Thank you