Regelmäßig Drogen und normal Leben?
Hey ich habe das Gefühl man bekommt nur die Extreme bei Drogen mit. Entweder junkies die in Frankfurt abkacken oder nur Nüchterne. Lange dachte ich man kann keine Drogen nehmen und ein normales Leben führen sondern das man bei konsum eigentlich immer richtung Junkie sein geht. Weil man nie mitbekommt das menschen die Drogen nehmen ( außer Alkohol) so ihr Leben auf die Reihe bekommen. Ist das weil die Gesellschaft einem das vermittelt? Wieviele von euch konsumieren Regelmäßig auch alkohol aber leben ihr leben ganz normal?
now (Cannabis is also legal;D)
Previously everything tried out except hero and crack, still had normal life, went to training, went to sports etc. was in itself no problem
Nevertheless, then 5 years ago stopped with all the chemical, makes too long, even without continuous consumption, and the side effects were too much to me with increasing age. At the age of 18, I was still cool to celebrate 2 days and to be awake for 2 days and to ball with the mates, I was also fit 2 days later, but now with 27 I would not have a bock on it anymore and I would probably be a week completely dead after 2 days party as before
The only thing I would like to do would be on a suitable occasion with good weather and nem very good day Magic Mushrooms and sometime at a distance DMT
Since cannabis is lega now xD
I regularly consume coffeine and cannabis, and I also take a few months and again. Otherwise, I smoke/steam occasionally and like to try out drugs (unfortunately not too much). I really drink alcohol very rarely.
I live quite normal, get my studies on the line, have hobbies, friends and family etc.
Smoke one again and again. Important is simply not to let go and to say now I smoke during the day etc. Then you’ll crash quickly and get more shit.
I just want to say one thing:
Sugar is more dependent than cocaine!
whether I live normal or crashed because of this drug, I cannot judge.
I never touched anything about the rest of the drugs
Yes, this is also a society drug that many underestimates, but you hardly think about it because it is in society. Especially when you are a child you grow (or I) with alc and sugar etc “good”. Cocain etc “böse”.
yup, alk is also totally bad
I can sign that with the sugar.
I didn’t even know that there were alcoholics but knew hero junkies 🙂
I categorically reject drugs.
I got enough examples in the well-known circle what can happen if you consume drugs.
There are some that have destroyed life.
That is why
Two weeks ago, my answer would have looked different. 😉