Referat: Was für ein Thema empfehlt ihr?

Hallo zusammen,

in der Schule steht ein spannender Vortrag über ein selbstgewähltes Thema an, und ich sehne mich danach, etwas zu präsentieren, das mir bisher unbekannt ist. Hat jemand zauberhafte Ideen, über was ich sprechen könnte? Die Dauer sollte ungefähr 15 Minuten betragen. Ich bin ein Mädchen und fast 13 Jahre alt. Über Rückmeldungen würde ich mich sehr freuen! Es wäre nett, wenn ihr so bald wie möglich antwortet, wenn möglich bis zum Sonntag.

Liebe Grüsse und einen schönen Nachmittag

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1 month ago

Here are some suggestions:

Science and Nature

  1. The fascinating world of quantum physics – Simply explained!
  2. Why are there seasons? – Insight into Astronomy
  3. How animals communicate with each other – secret codes in the animal world
  4. The wonders of the ocean – Unexplored depths and mysterious creatures

History and Culture

  1. Forgotten women of history – Strong women who have changed the world
  2. Myths and legends of different cultures – which have been preserved?
  3. Life in the Middle Ages – Was it really so dark?
  4. The History of Fashion – From Antique to Today

Technology & Future

  1. Artificial intelligence – chance or danger?
  2. How the Internet has changed the world – from invention to today
  3. Robots of the future – will they replace us?
  4. Space and Mars missions – Will man live on Mars soon?

Society and everyday life

  1. Why are we laughing? – Science behind laughter
  2. Colours and their meaning – Why does blue seem soothing?
  3. Happiness research – What really makes us happy?
  4. TikTok, Instagram & Co. – How do they affect us?

Magic & Fantasy

  1. Witches in the Middle Ages – Was it superstition or reality?
  2. The story of unicorns & dragons – Was it really?
  3. How do optical tamperings occur? – Tricks of our brain
  4. Magic tricks revealed – science behind magic

Maybe something is there.


1 month ago
Reply to  Giuli888

Very happy

1 month ago

Here are some ideas for your presentation. I hope I can help you:)

Life on Mars, Future or Science fiction?

Pompeii, The city that lasted the time

Artificial intelligence – How smart are machines?

The hidden messages in famous paintings

The secrets of the deep sea. What do we really know?

1 month ago
Reply to  Giuli888


1 month ago

Refer the best way to hold a lecture.

Here you can see an excellent model:

1 month ago

Topic: Sourdough:

  • start
  • feed
  • Bake bread. .