Reddit immer gebannt?
Ich habe Reddit und werde immer wieder gebannt ich halte mich immer an die Regeln und habe nie die Richtlinien gebrochen und trotzdem werde ich immer gebannt ich habe jetzt schon ein paar Accounts und habe mir immer neue erstellt und wurde immer nach kurzer Zeit gebannt selbst wenn ich in der Zeit nicht Mal Reddit benutzt habe weiß jemand warum das so ist?
They just know you’re someone who’s been banished, and they keep you out of it.
At least in the first spell, you will have violated the Reddit rules, which is already much heavier than being banned here on GF.
You can’t do anything about it.
Find a new community.
As has already been mentioned here: look for alternative to Reddit or if you put soooo very value on it, then invest the money and go to the lawyer or still threatens the support.
But even if you’re “gaining” and then you can’t be banned, I don’t think you could have fun in Reddit, because they’ll find other means and ways to take away the fun there instead of banishing you because they can’t do that anymore.
Then you may not be taken into consideration, or then you will be treated in an unfriendly way or something. I’m not an expert but with people who don’t want to have one with themselves and lose one against you, unfortunately, this is often the case.
If your lawyer can lead something in the way, try it if they are so important to you and you don’t have any alternative.
But I would just accept it and “go.”
First, probably because you use alternative accounts. Whatever the reason.
Secondly, Reddit is also known for his hivemind. Some moderators are now Streng and Unfair. You’re being banished for the stuff. Of course not all are so but expect Reddit to be a paradis.
The Reddit modes always give the reason for a spell or allow a corresponding demand.
Most of the time, people are being banished who confuse a membership with a right to total anonymous freedom of speech and believe they might tell any evil shit.