Rechtschreibfehler auf der Speisekarte?
Würdet ihr nochmal in eine Gaststätte gehen, wo ihr diverse Rechtschreibfehler auf der Speisekarte entdeckt?
Sagt das eurer Meinung nach viel über die Qualität des Restaurants aus?
Würdet ihr nochmal in eine Gaststätte gehen, wo ihr diverse Rechtschreibfehler auf der Speisekarte entdeckt?
Sagt das eurer Meinung nach viel über die Qualität des Restaurants aus?
Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen ein Praktikum gemacht um zu sehen wie es ist ein eigenes Restaurant zu haben.Ich frage mich wie es für eine Person ist das alleine zu Leiten und wie schwer der Weg bis dahin war
Frage stehe im Titel. Alle anderen Läden sind weit weg
Wird Hacksdöner oft mit Pute gestreckt.
Ich hab gestern in Rewe Brot zum fertig backen gekauft und hab gesehen das es vor zwei Monaten abgelaufen ist. Den Kassenbon hab ich noch hier meint ihr ich kann das zurück bringen und ich bekomme mein Geld dann zurück?
Und warum?
Hey bin (leih)Koch. Bekomme ein passables Gehalt von 20 bis 30 die h jeh nach Schicht Zulage, und ein übersichtliches urlaubs und weihnachtsgeld. Also nichts besonderes. In meiner Firma gibt’s 3 Tarif Gruppen in der Küche Koch 1 koch 2 und küchenhilfe. Jeder startet Koch 2 und die die sich beweisen ( also für al…
My favorite restaurant also has a few mistakes, somehow it seems to be part of it.
If the food is good, I don’t care about spelling errors. Good food and good service are important.
Oh, yeah.
The Greek restaurant we frequently visited has a menu that the boss himself had forged.
The kitchen was excellent and the prices too. The menu was simply hummlic. It’s really cute.
Of course.
The criterion for me is the kitchen, service and ambience. I have brought the Greeks to whom I often go attention to mistakes in his menu.
And he said. :
Vanaheim my friend, we have long thought about what typos we incorporate in our menu, what our German guests find “nice”
I studied in Cologne and Berlin and believe that I master the German spelling perfectly. And know how to give guests a tiny superiority. It’s good for business.
and he said. Vanaheim…
Other worries don’t you have a little something?
That’s just because you didn’t use any quotes and made a paragraph… And yes, mistakes are still in the summer:)
That’s it.
You can’t read or don’t understand the reading. Maybe it helps you read what I wrote several times. It was the host who said he mastered the German spelling perfectly. Not me.
but it’s funny when you say you’re mastering the German spelling PERFEKT…
No problem.
When visiting the restaurant, there are other values.
Don’t bother me. I eat there and don’t look at it as an educational stay. There are industries where such things would make me think more.
if the food was good, qualitative and tasteful, yes.
I don’t go to a restaurant that prints its menu in gold if it doesn’t taste or is worth it.
the one has to do with the other.
I may offer the host my help to correct his menu.
I’d think the shop owner doesn’t have much trouble with his business. Just as the setup should be decent, the right letters should also be in the right place. You’re going to dinner and not to rat. Has something to do with respect to the customer…
For foreigners, I may understand. But German restaurant operators don’t do that at all. For example, if you read champignons champinon schnitzel or coffee instead of coffee (caramal pudding instead of caramel pudding) I would possibly think whether the ones in the kitchen are so slipping.
In my area there is a hairdresser, there is a long way out on the price list Harness.
I guess Money laundering/puff in the back room.
Has something from Dr. Med. Schmidt, Günokologin. Not very trusting.
I have an Indian who has at least text program kills. To save space, each and by > replaced. On page 1, for example, rice is then used as a gr>narrates food in the various areas of India.
There’s no one after that. Maybe test prints are too expensive.
Still tastes.
I judge a restaurant according to the service and quality of food, but not according to spelling errors on the menu. There are now sooo many restaurants run by foreigners whose German is not perfect and I think you have to understand!
If you were abroad, you wouldn’t have the language perfect either!
I would probably point out to the restaurant owner the mistakes and offer him to help him formulate and Orthography so that guests like you still come and contribute to building his existence in Germany.
Think about your attitude.
And if the restaurant is run by a German and yet many mistakes can be found in the menu?
Hm – I don’t know if I would point it out, because I would assume that he has German friends/knowns who could help him. But my visits to him would not affect his spelling errors because – as I explained above – service and quality of food are important and not mistakes in the menu.
Sure, you could have. You’re absolutely right. For a German it is embarrassing to have spelling errors in the menu. Of course, you can interpret this as negligent and draw conclusions about the food, but I think the quality of the food speaks for yourself. There are people who do not attach importance to such “alienities”, but who consider it more important. I find both important when the appearance is to be coherent in itself.
you could also have invested a few euros and the menu can be created by a professional company if you are unsure about spelling.
I am used to spelling mistakes on menus, with our foreign favorite locals some have come in, but the food is excellent.
I’m not going to be able to keep myself from the few typos. Because a “Rumsteak” can taste heartfelt when the cook can roast for me without being a shoe loaf.
If food and service fit, I might offer friendly support. You have to be careful that it doesn’t come over too much. Of course I would eat there again.
I’m more important that the cook can cook than that the office can write human in the background. would point to the spelling errors, but that was then. the quality of eating has nothing to do with the card
No, it doesn’t matter. Who can cook does not necessarily have to read.
when I go to a Vietnamese or Chinese, I expect spelling errors on the menu. otherwise it is unauthentic 😀
is true.
Döner Imbiss also:D barely know where not what is wrong.
With us there was something macaber, “Döner vom Hänschen”
A snack I know sells Chicken Tashe or pizza with dönefleisch.
Oh, yeah.
I know an example from the Döner, he hasn’t improved until today.
instead of vegetables. I always laugh about it when I run past. the döner does not taste there either.
My life mate has, once for fun, corrected a menu with a red edding.
We gave them laughing at leaving the place to the host. How the host reacted to it is unknown to us…
That doesn’t say anything, that can happen to everyone.
It makes me a place very sympathetic.
I must be satisfied with the quality of food only that matters for me
I don’t eat the card 🤷 If it was good, I’ll be back.
Now there are also incapable people in this forum.
They can hardly read, write, think and use the Internet.
One doesn’t have anything to do with the other.
Without spelling errors in the map it is not a restaurant.