Rechts-oder Linkshänder am Schriftbild erkennen?

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Gibt es Merkmale, an denen man Rechts-oder Linkshänder am Schriftbild erkennt? Wie machen das Historikerinnen und Historiker?

Vielen Dank im Vorraus!

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9 months ago

I’d have one thing to do.
On the one hand, the prerequisite for this matter is a written system written from left to right. On the other hand, a writing method that remains liquid a little while after application, zb ink or ink.
Then it is so that a left-handed person supports his hand on the just freshly written – this is partly blurred, partly one sees the grooves of the palm in the ink.

However, there were always left-handed men who tried to avoid this – e.g. by an unusual hand attitude. Apart from the fact that many left-handed men were forced to write with right over time, because left-handed men were considered stupid, uneducated and sometimes even sinful. You may even have your parents, but surely your grandparents have experienced it!
Well, a guarantee is not that point of reference.

9 months ago
Reply to  Seraphiel0

That’s why I’ve been writing ballpoint pens for ages. In primary school, I was still expected to write with a filler, and as left-handed, it is almost impossible not to blur the ink.

9 months ago

I’m a “removed” left-handed. As a result, I have been able to write right and left since the 2nd year of school and have noticed that it is also quite liquid in mirror writing.

Today I almost only write with the right hand and one tells me a very beautiful and legible handwriting.

Written to the right, the letters are slightly tilted to the right and with the left hand the font becomes significantly steeper if I write faster can also create a left tip.