Rechtliche Grundlage bei Lieferverzug durch DHL?
ich habe einen Onlineshop und eine Kundin „droht“ mit rechtlichen Schritten aufgrund des Betruges, da Ihre Sendung seit 7-8 Werktagen keine Bewegung in der Sendungsverfolgung zeigt.Einen Nachforschungsauftrag kann man erst nach 7 Werktagen stellen und wurde somit noch nicht gemacht.
Wir hatten dies in den nächsten Tagen, nach dem Wochenende vor.
Das Paket und die Sendungsnummer wurden auch fristgerecht versendet.
Hat die Kundin irgendeine Grundlage rechtliche Schritte nach so einer kurzen Zeit + Nachforschungsauftrag einzuleiten oder gibt es eine bestimmte Anzahl an Tagen?
Wenn ja, wäre es sehr lieb wenn der Paragraph oder so mitgeschrieben wird:)
Says the one who puts up unstoppable claims. Funny.
For all he’s content, and not interested in Gequatsche: The customer/in concludes a purchase agreement with the supplier in accordance with BGB.
If you sell goods on the Internet, you must specify a delivery date, and MUSST will be adhered to, otherwise it will be on the cap!! (and that’s also true: otherwise the shops would start lying that the bars bend to get the seals – so for all a fair basis).
The seller is then in the PFLICHT to bring the goods to the customer and enters into a contract with DHL (o.a.). There is the problem: DHL etc. do not say a delivery period.
This does not interest the customer: he does not get the goods, the seller has not delivered his performance, end. From then on, according to the BGB compensation claim applies.
Who wants to read, here a (!!) Example:,Wer%20Deferred%20Deferred%3F,performance%20Not%20as%20Affected%20
“Onlineshops are obliged to inform their customers of the expected delivery period. And online shops are liable for the debt of the parcel services they commissioned. If a new smartphone is advertised with “supply in 2-3 working days”, for example, but the package remains hanging at DHL, then the dealer cannot break the blame on DHL.The dealer is responsible for the goods arriving at the customer within the promised delivery time.”
Quote from:
With paragraphs, I cannot serve by heart.
If you can prove to have sent out, everything is in butter 🙂
If the package does not seem to move, the goods will be sent out again.
DHL does not owe a certain delivery period for normal packages. That means the goods are there when they’re here. Let’s see later.
Come on.
Did she choose DHL as a supplier? Then you’re fine.
Are you just offering DHL? Then you are responsible for the punctual delivery after the contract with the client.
If you gave the customer the parcel and shipment tracking number, you can no longer claim against you, it must contact DHL. Return their threat in writing with legal steps.
not with a trader, it carries the shipping risk.
There you are right, but you also have to give the online shop the time specified by the mail.
What a nonsense! The buyer has no contract with the shipping company at all.
The buyer has concluded a purchase agreement with the seller, in the online business with a fixed delivery note including a fixed date. (Competition sales law: Delivery date must be stated and complied with)
How the seller gets the goods to the customer is simply irrelevant. If DHL does not deliver, this is basically the problem of the seller, and the client can demand compensation in all matters.
Problem: Delivery services generally do not guarantee fixed delivery times (except express etc.). So: dealer risk. Sorry.
I would make DHL legs as a dealer.
Once you have the proof of delivery, you are from the tailor and DHL has black Peter
Isn’t that right?
Of course that’s true. Why is that nonsense? If you’re getting cheeky, please justify it!