Rebuy sell receive money in youth account is that possible?
Hello, I am 13 years old and wanted to ask if you can receive money as a youth account if you are not yet of legal age.
Hello, I am 13 years old and wanted to ask if you can receive money as a youth account if you are not yet of legal age.
Let's say you're having money problems… health insurance, veterinary care, electricity, and water… Would you accept your boyfriend's offer to transfer money into your account? Would it be cheating if you didn't accept his money because, while he meant well, it wasn't enough anyway, and you didn't want to become dependent on him, AND THAT'S…
Someone did that to me now, but I still didn't get it.
Hey, Purely hypothetical question: If my boyfriend wanted to support me financially and transferred me €500 a week (as a gift), would I have to pay taxes on it or something? Or would the tax office be suspicious? I don't currently have a well-paid job, and he wants to help me out in some way…
My bank card was stolen and my ID card could I withdraw money at the counter at my bank if I explain this and take my passport with me and I have photos of my ID card on my mobile phone
I received a letter from DKB saying that a €179.70 money transfer wasn't working. It said it was from Compay GmbH, but I didn't know the company until now and had no dealings with them. I haven't entered my details anywhere yet because it's a very new account. What should I do? Block my account?…
Sicher geht das, ist doch ne Gutschrift auf eine ganz normale IBAN.
Lass das über deine Eltern machen, die sind voll geschäftsfähig. Auszahlung kann ja trotzdem auf dein Konto sein.
Mit 13 bist du nicht Geschäftsfähig und darfst gar nicht verkaufen.