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Sometimes when I’m really boring, I’m making a joint of lavender or sage 🙂
lavender can relax
I’m currently experiencing half of my class gradually starting smoking. I find that cruel. But I’m not surprised, because every break the teachers sneak down from the schoolyard and smoke chain. No wonder, with these models.
When you ask why they do this, they usually say: “Simply, I don’t know. ‘
I think why don’t they have a reason? You have to have a reason to voluntarily pull smoke into his lung. I think passive smoking is bad enough.
Last time, one from my class even came to the class with coffee. I thought, “Okay, we’re finished. What’s next? A beer? A little grass?” What do some people have to take such a thing for motivation??? The group pressure alone can it be bad? Especially since I don’t even know in my class that there is one. What if? What is it, then I am the only normal one that comes out without drugs, that I call “performance”!?
LG :
I personally started smoking at that time in the juvenile trap because it was a misconception situation and everyone was in the smoke, coffee has at least ne correct effect, gras is actually quite useful when you can handle it, I’m just a part of the society, believe many but just catch with cigarettes because they don’t think about it
I find something so totally twisted and unimaginable to begin with, even to “test” and then become dependent. Then I’d rather give up. Even testing is usually enough to be addicted, even though the first is supposed to be really bad.
Besides, what does it do to try something if you know that this stuff is harmful? What if you like it? Then there’s no way back! That’s why not try.
Right, I think the biggest problem is that my father is a tyrant and my mother does not separate from him. It’s always been that way. .
that sounds as if you’ve committed reality curse, often lies behind such a one looking for a much bigger real problem if you don’t solve it, you will lose yourself in worlds or others
Hm, understandable. Must also say that some time ago I was addicted to a video game and it just couldn’t leave, after school I only did the homework, ate, put me in front of the screen, until dinner. I didn’t have time for anything else. It was only better when my account was deleted or I didn’t get back to it. I also asked a lot about this and was really desperate.
But I’m better now. It was hard to be thrown out of his usual world from one day to another, but necessary to wake up. I never invested money, but loosely two years of my life, which were pure waste of time, that’s much sader. I didn’t want to add a new account, that would be a new beginning. I had no energy for that. But I meanwhile thank you for this, because right now I have to focus on school, because the MSA is up to. I have to pack it.
So I was also dependent, but rather for psychological reasons and not from the substance as you say.
I have still installed the app, but it will come the point where I can delete it and close it for all times. Because from time to time (one times a month) I look briefly in what has changed but never play.
almost food is just as harmful but unfortunately also quite delicious in the rule
menschen do a lot illogical witness, I’ve been searching for something unfortunately really through actually, can only recommend consciously to go to the thema ran, but the attitude you have is also ok, but especially other drug like psychedlics can help many people, as well as one develops more for social and psychological reasons
so the substance does not matter, the fact is important
Not really everything, but quite a lot. Cigarettes anyway and otherwise occasionally Shisha and one way Vapes (but I don’t feel), steam with liquid also very often. Almost always baller liquid unfortunately. Can’t start so much with liquid what aroma. But sometimes boredom goes. I like to smoke joints too.
I’m smoking with friends and Shisha. Even though I don’t own smokers, I have no interest in getting them.
If you are interested in current representative figures, I can recommend these reports here:
Consumption of tobacco and e-cigarettes in young people and young adults,
Substance consumption of young and young adults in Germany,
I have to confess, I used to think about trying it “only” once out of pure curiosity, but the danger of being dependent and destroying his health was too high.
Shisha is my hobby.
Sometimes every day. Sometimes once a month.
But 3-4 times a week
How angry it’s haram, huh?
Mahruh knows you better. Fatwas is different in this respect
Oh, tell me. Previously, it was still clipped and clear of you:
There was no speech about “you can see it like that.” “The Fatwas” you wrote, not some fatwas. Only now that you’re disgusted, you’ll get back.
You realize that every scholar / scholar can interpret something different and will become?
This is the same as in Germany. While one judge sees it as illegal, the other does not see it.
Well, he’ll tell you about the ditib, so garbage? It’s called Makruh, not Mahruh. Doesn’t seem to recognize yourself.
and I will never.
Just normal cigarettes.
No none of this
It’ll always be that way.
I won’t.
For more than 25 years…
I don’t smoke.
Yes regularly
up to point 4 but I don’t find it so disgusting
I’d rather invest in cake. He doesn’t stink…
is not so healthy
Tastes better but the bud doesn’t stink afterwards
If you let him burn, you stink. You’re right
depending on what you’re doing
poppy can smell funny too