Rauchmelder in Wohnung in Sachsen?
In welchen Räumen von Mietwohnungen in Sachsen müssen Rauchmelder laut Vorschrift/Gesetz installiert sein? (Hierbei betrifft es eine 2-Zimmerwohnung, also Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer, Küche, Badezimmer und Flur.)
In welchen Räumen von Mietwohnungen in Sachsen müssen Rauchmelder laut Vorschrift/Gesetz installiert sein? (Hierbei betrifft es eine 2-Zimmerwohnung, also Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer, Küche, Badezimmer und Flur.)
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In our supermarket they would all be hoarded.
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§ 47 para. 4 sentence 1 Sächsische Bauordnung:
Living room, bedroom and hallway you need one. Kitchen and bathroom are more counterproductive. 🔥
Where do you live?
This is an acquaintance of me who lives in Saxony in a 2-room apartment (living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and hallway).
Then a nice greeting to the acquaintances…
Bedroom and hallway because it is the escape route. Bathroom and kitchen not. Living room is credible in Saxony no duty, but reasonable.
This is exactly how it is in NRW.
In Saxony, smoke detectors for escape routes are not mandatory.
According to the Sächsische Landesbauordnung, smoke detectors must be installed in your country in all residences where people are supposed to sleep – for example in bedrooms and children’s rooms. In addition, the obligation also applies to rescue routes leading from and to these rooms.
Pretty much everything except kitchen + bathroom.
He means in the hallway and in the bedroom.
In Saxony, smoke detectors are mandatory in all rooms where people are supposed to sleep. So bedrooms, children’s rooms and guest rooms.
The rescue routes do not have to have smoke detectors, which is also mandatory in other federal states.
There is no children’s room or guest room in a 2-room apartment.
It doesn’t matter to the law…. “All rooms where people are sleeping according to the best.”
That’s not correct. corridors to the corresponding rooms must also be equipped with smoke detectors.
Maybe I can’t read or I’ve read something, but you have the chance to brighten me. Please enter the link here that makes it clear that in Saxony, smoke detectors are installed not only in sleeping rooms, but also in the escape and rescue routes.
Not what would be logical or compulsory in other federal states.
Yeah, right.
See my answer.
Rescue routes can also be rooms.
He sleeps in his bedroom.