Räucherlachs in der Schwangerschaft?

Bin aktuell in der 29 SSW und habe so großen Appetit auf Räucherlachs. Wie viele von euch haben in der Schwangerschaft ,,verbotene Lebensmittel” gegessen und sind an Listeriose erkrankt?

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2 years ago

At first I didn’t know I was pregnant and I ate sushi and stuff. I survived, child too.

The likelihood of suffering from salmonella or listerosis in Germany is extremely low and there is a risk, especially in highly processed foods, not even in less processed foods. So, it means you can “toxify” on packed noodles rather than on smoked salmon.

However, if you want to make sure the number is what is always preferable to infection, you should do without cold smoked and raw food. What’s going on is hot smoked and acidified, or Things in semi-saure spices, such as bismarckhering.

2 years ago

I forgot about smoked fish, raw eggs and raw milk, and in other things I was not so strict. For example, my toxoplasmose test was positive, which is why I always enjoyed a medium steak.

2 years ago

It’s your decision. But I would advise you, it has a reason why it belongs to the forbidden foods. You’re threatening you and your child. After pregnancy, you can eat everything you want.

2 years ago

There are salmon substitutes from the glass along with fresh cheese and a tomato slice really delicious and comes well to the real salmon ran. Besides, you could eat it without problems. LG

2 years ago
Reply to  Rius91

The stuff is disgusting. No comparison and the danger of getting caught is just as high. The problem here is less raw fish, but the factory. They’re less clean than you think.