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It is important to me because I can better pay attention to my weight and figure by smoking
I feel like that!
Don’t be mad, but that’s all nonsense.
Smoking is like diet a pure will/head thing.
Extra because of weight keeping/lossing with the smoking to start or maintain is not extra smart, is nice and good if it may have “positive” effects on the weight but for that it may have smoker lungs, COPD, HErzinfarkt and Co. to accept is a completely different thing and should you let yourself go through your head more closely.
When I stopped after 30 years, about 5 kg went to the smoke stop. The rest on diseases.
Even without tilting, it goes down again.
I’m 1,60m tall in flat shoes, and I never had any trouble keeping my 54,5kg. I’m absolutely sure my box-on-day habit has a lot to do with it.
What a bullshit…
Here as well.
I’ve done a diet and stopped smoking at the same time and still lost 10 kg (from 95 to 85) because I just took less calories than my body consumed (calorie deficit). This is not a scientific evidence, but only my personal experience.
I don’t smoke to keep my weight or control it. Fortunately, I have no problems with that.
It’s a positive side effect that, since I was a smoker, I’ve also taken a few kilos.
I’m sure I would increase if I stopped. One of many reasons why I have the desire to stop
You usually don’t stop!
My wife, also smoker, and I have a pact before our wedding. We both intend to remain smokers for the rest of our lives, unless one of us has to stop for health reasons. In this case, we’ll both stop.
I don’t smoke for weight control
I have increased a lot since I have significantly more smoke 🙈