Raucher Umfrage?

1. Geschlecht?

2. Wie alt bist du?

3. Wie viele Kippen rauchst du am Tag?

4. Welche Marke?

5. Rauchst du draußen oder drinnen?

6. Schmeckt dir die Kippe?

7. Bist du dick, Mittel oder dünn?

8. Schmeißt du deine Kippen auch mal aufn Boden?

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1 year ago

M22, 2 cigarettes/day rare times 3

I smoke Camel Essential Brown Packing

I smoke outside

I really like the nicotine taste

Am I thin and clear, on the way, the tilting always land on the ground where else? 🤣


1 year ago

1. Sex? Female

Two. How old are you? 20

3. How many dumps do you smoke the day? 40 – 60

4. What brand? Marlboro red, L&M Red, if the money gets tighter at the end of the month or I’ll turn

Five. Are you smoking outside or inside? Both, but preferred inside

6. Is that the tip? Yes <3

7. Are you thick, medium or thin? Mollig (Fast Food and Chips Junkie)

8. Do you throw your tipps on the floor? Always where else xD

1 year ago



3. 25

4.Spot tobacco

5.where I can smoke


7. Thickness

8. Nö

1 year ago

1. Sex? Female

Two. How old are you? 37

3. How many dumps do you smoke the day? 40 – 60

4. What brand? Marlboro red

Five. Are you smoking outside or inside? Both

6. Is that the tip? Yes

7. Are you thick, medium or thin? thin

8. Do you throw your tilting on the ground? rare

1 year ago
Reply to  Moab09081985

I sometimes smoke Marlboro red, but the 100s. The length is more female and the pleasure lasts a little longer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laurette120

Thank you for the advice I’ll try out.

1 year ago
  1. Female
  2. 14
  3. 30-40
  4. Marlboro Red and L+M Red
  5. Both
  6. Yes
  7. Means / normal
  8. Sure, where else?
1 year ago
Reply to  NWB08

I also sometimes smoke Marlboro red or L&M red, but the 100s. The length is more female and the pleasure lasts a little longer.

1 year ago

1. Gender


2.) How old are you?


3. How many dumps do you smoke the day?

30-40 easy

4.)What brand?

Marlboro Red so duty free

6. Is that the tip?

Safe. Beautiful

5.) Are you smoking outside or inside?

Inside and outside. In my apartment everywhere.

7. Are you thick, medium or thin?

Means. Stop trained

8. Do you throw your tipps on the floor?

Where should I throw them out?

1 year ago

female, 26, 15-20 tilting a day, Gauloises blue, I smoke also inside, dump tastes me, I am medium, I throw them out on the ground

1 year ago

1. Gender? Female

Two. How old are you? 47

3. How many dumps do you smoke the day? usually approx. 20 a day, when my wife and I go to the girls’ evening, then 30 and 40 a day.

4. What brand? Misty blue 120s. (when I lived in D, usually EVE 120s, sometimes Marlboro red 100s)

Five. Do you smoke outside or inside? outside, inside, and in the public wherever it is allowed

6. Is that the tip? I like smoking!

7. Are you thick, medium or thin? medium

8. Do you throw your tipps on the ground? absolutely not, that is no-go

1 year ago
  1. male
  2. K. A.
  3. 20 – 25
  4. Winston Platinum
  5. Outside
  6. yes
  7. Medium
  8. No
1 year ago

1. Sex?


Two. How old are you?


3. How many dumps do you smoke the day?


4. What brand?


Five. Are you smoking outside or inside?


6. Is that the tip?

i guess so?

7. Are you thick, medium or thin?

that remains unanswered

8. Do you throw your tipps on the floor?


1 year ago



It can be very different from 0 to 20 cigarettes. Sign me as a social smoker

The green Elixyr

Almost exclusively outside

Yes, in any case, or I wouldn’t smoke


If there is no ashtray nearby

1 year ago

1. I am a girl

2…I am 21 years old

3.Only a cigarette Day

4. I do not look at the brand

Five. I smoke outside but sometimes when I’m with my buddy I smoke inside

6. No, I don’t want to stop!

7. I’m thin

8. I always throw the cigarette on the floor.

1 year ago

1. Female

Two. 38

3. 3-10

4. Marlboro Gold

Five. Outside

6. Yeah, she tastes

7. Slender

8. Occasionally when there is no ashtray

1 year ago

Opportunity smokers

Eve 120er

3 per day

1 year ago
Reply to  1976skipper

I’m 120 smoker too!