Rauchen während Krankheit?
Hallo, ich habe eine Erkältung mit husten, Kopfschmerzen und Fieber. Leider rauche ich seit 5 Jahren stark und kann nicht ohne. Kann ich auch während der Krankheit meine 30 genusstängel am Tag inhalieren? Oder würde das üble Folgen haben ?
Just before you are already cold – smoking is of course absolutely not sensible 😉
It’s not about it, you can. This is certainly not meaningful.
Smoking always has bad consequences, on long term.
That’s right.
that doesn’t matter how to die so long as there are no hard drugs there are people who are 90 are still smoking young and actually a strong immune system already fits
Thanks for the answer! Now I’m starting one!!
Did you know that a cigarette has over 70 carcinogenic ingredients?
Then enjoy smoking
Did you know that life is deadly? Have fun to survive 😱
These are unfortunately things that we cannot influence.
Yes may be but it must not only be the harmless cigerettes meanwhile is a lot of poison seeing the weather, eating water, psychic can be so much really
Yeah, right, but why do I have to poison my body deliberately? Maybe at least in a cold, you shouldn’t stress the body in addition. But everyone likes him
With a strong cold, at least the cigarettes just don’t taste to me – and for a quick recovery, smoking is simply counterproductive. – I would at least reduce your consumption pretty much!
yes must be smoked anyway
Alternatively, try nicotine patches so that your lung can recover at least from the cold.
great fun with COPD.
I think the question is stolen and you are 15.
hopefully, the holidays are over soon.
What’s your fucking problem?