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1 year ago

To be honest: How many questions on pulse and smoking/steams do you still want to ask, integrating only small text deviations or content differences?

Let the smoking/steam be and you can exclude that these activities are involved.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mali938383

because no answer

You were told that nicotine consumption can have an influence on the pulse. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this is absorbed by smoking or steaming.

You have been informed that the values of individualized forum members that you have specified are a little too high and that must be judged better by a person skilled in the art – doctor!

You were also told that e-cigarettes are released as tobacco products only from 18 years and you would have had your fingers left.

What do you have to answer? Are you waiting for a cardiologist to speak with a lecture and to give you the same information you have already received?
What of the notes was incomprehensible to you? Or is it simply because, as a minor, you think that you would have to decide on what is legally permitted for you and what is not? You can feel like it’s just for the ton.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mali938383

What is it because nobody answers

During smoking, you inhale, among other things, carbon monoxide, that lets the pulse rise as the body is poisoned acutely, so when steaming, no carbon monoxide burns

1 year ago

Bro just snus first you don’t stink anymore and it’s healthier than zigarettes in every case, though both aren’t harmless or you’re totally listening to what would make most sense

1 year ago

During normal walking, the pulse should not lie at 140, that shows that you are relatively poorly placed at sport

When smoking, it can also be 100+

But you will also have a high pulse because you constantly push paranoia from it and fear increases the pulse

1 year ago

Thanks for the information.