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2 years ago

the usual, as with any other smoker, that certain organs are not completely formed and are therefore smaller, I consider a rumor

2 years ago

Besides the health problems, it is very damaging to the wallet.

Apart from that, you’re not getting more attractive. Look at the skin and teeth of strong smokers, the yellow fingers – not to mention the bad breath.

Every smoker knows someone who has become old despite smoking. But there are much more who died of lung, throat or other cancer.

I worked in a health insurance company for a long time and know some of these fates. Not everyone dies of cancer, but many become incapable of work or work. An insurer lost both legs by smoking and smoked in a wheelchair until he died of heart failure.

Because I wanted to be cool, I started smoking at 17 until my asthma taught me better.

2 years ago
Reply to  okieh56

Sorry about your asthma. I don’t wish anyone breathing. Good improvement. I smoked 12 to 14 cigarettes myself for 2 years. My mother was 12.06. 2022 . 22 to 14.06. 2022 in the hospital and it was diagnosed with her COPD on the evening of 12.06. If my mother didn’t get any more air yes RTW came and not doctor. That scared me on 14.06. 2022 at 11:00 was my last cigarette. And had from 17.06 to 01.07. 2022 coughs. Nissan Falls a couple of times a day and breathing noises in the lounger. I regret spending money on all the tawa cigarettes I would rather have eaten from the money a good one or bought me a color gem (I am a collector) I would have had more of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dudarfst959

I owe myself, because I have asthma since my childhood. It was unreasonable and stupid to try smoking.

But you can live well with asthma, today it hardly burdens me. I can do sports to exhaustion without getting a seizure – I couldn’t do that as a child.

I’ll find your collective affliction. Everyone should have a hobby.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Smoking is never healthy, but especially unhealthy at an age when the body has not yet grown. Read here:

Dangers for young women and young men,

More information also here:

2 years ago

Here are some side effects:

Acute poisoning. Nicotine is a highly effective poison.

Accelerated aging.

Cardiovascular diseases.


Diseases of the lungs.

Tooth damage.

Other forms of cancer.

2 years ago

Let it come sooner or later, COPD or lung cancer. Can also promote other cancer. Let the skin age, and if you stop, you have at least 2 weeks of cough. Nissan Falls. And breathing noise in the lounge. And it costs a lot of money. I stopped my last cigarette on 14.06. 2022 at 11:00. My mother has COPD and that has scared me

2 years ago

The lung is not completely formed and remains smaller than in non-smokers

2 years ago

(Lungen)Krebs is the biggest drawback, since one is consecrated to death as well. Unless you’re lucky, you’ll get him back years later.

2 years ago

You get a bad skin, ugly teeth, start stinking, have no endurance anymore and will most likely get cancer in the age.

2 years ago

That it hurts your health would be a disadvantage enough…🤦

2 years ago

I don’t remember.