Rauchen Italien?
Hey Leute, ich fahre morgen nach Italien. Ich habe vor einem halben Jahr zu rauchen bzw vapen begonnen. Nun zu meiner Frage: Darf man in Italien am Hotelbalkon rauchen? Ich möchte weder im Zimmer, noch in der Öffentlichkeit rauchen sondern wie gesagt nur am Balkon… (Bitte keine Kommentare dazu dass ich erst 17 bin, meine Eltern haben es mir erlaubt und ich bin mir dessen bewusst, dass es schädlich ist.)
Lg 🙂
Smoking or steaming…
An elementary difference you obviously don’t know.
The use of e-cigarettes is comparatively harmless, while any type of smoking is always extremely harmful.
Tobacco consumption can lead to extreme dependence, do not vaporize.
Smoking bans are sometimes more stringent in Italy than in Germany. But steam is still steaming and if this is not explicitly forbidden, then you can sometimes steam where smoking is prohibited.
Smoking is almost always prohibited in hotel rooms, but do not steam.
The balcony is also outside any room. Because of your age, you should not make steam too public.
Have fun in Italy.
Where are you going?
After Grado 🙂 and many love thanks
I can tell you about my experience as I was in Italy a few weeks ago.
Since we had a balcony in a room, I smoked regularly outside. No one has disturbed it. We all collected the cigarette sticks in an empty box, as there was no ashtray available.
You can also steam in the room, at the open window. The smoke detector does not accept it, and the smell is not unpleasant and after a few hours it is completely gone.
In Italy, this is generally more relaxed, I feel. Was not a problem for all of us to buy cigarettes and Vapes in kiosk and souvenir shops. Even for me it was not a problem, and I am also 17, but I do not look like 18 – I had little success when buying in Austria.
Thank you.
Depends on the hotel. If so long as no one notices you’re not 18.
Okay, thanks
Are There No 18, Could Give Trouble For You