Rauchen aufhören?


ich bin 17 und habe in den Winterferien mit Kollegen öfters geraucht. Dann kam Vape, etc hinzu. Bin mittlerweile 2 Wochen rauchfrei und habe immernoch dieses drecks Verlangen nach Ner Kippe. Wenn ich dran denke freue ich mich immer. Hatte davor so nen kratzen in der Lunge, als ich angefangen habe aufzuhören. Das ist mittlerweile weg. Wann geht dieses Verlangen weg und geht es überhaupt weg?

Echt schlimm.

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10 months ago

First of all, huge respect for that you stop smoking, and this desire that you will not go away so quickly because nicotine is a real H*rensohn and, apart from that it makes you very dependent, the reward system in the brain is very active, and if this does not get the stimuli from nicotine anymore, your body has a reward defizient and naturally wants to ask for it again to feel hard.

10 months ago
Reply to  slowly452

Wish you a lot of luck!

10 months ago
Reply to  IceAnimations

You wrote a great novel together… “Roman, by the way, I write here with full intention, because everything you say about nicotine is not so easy!

If you’re already reporting about TABAKRAUCH, then don’t just push the nicotine into the shoes!

10 months ago

So after 6 months I was still thinking about cigarettes, and if today someone smokes one I think of it when I’m really pissed or driving long car I still sometimes feel like a cigarette.

But this is no longer a desire for it. As if you think about what delicious to eat it then doesn’t get is also not so tragic ..

Stop by it will definitely be better!