Ratte anzünden?
wenn ich einer ratte im keller begegne darf ich sie dann mit einem deo und feuerzeug und ethanol anzünden um sie zu vertreiben bzw mich zu wehren?
wenn ich einer ratte im keller begegne darf ich sie dann mit einem deo und feuerzeug und ethanol anzünden um sie zu vertreiben bzw mich zu wehren?
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Hi Leute kleineres, aber nweviges Problem. Ich arbeite permanent mit einem Logitech-Trackball (Platz- und Gewöhnungsgründe. Maus ist da unpraktisch). Problem: Wenn man länger arbeitet, kommen zwei Effekte die Maus ist manchmal wie festgeklebt, d.h. der Anfangswiderstand beim bewegen ist etwas größer (die Kugel hängt) als beim Rollen. Ist lästig aber na ja auch wenn sich…
Hallo. In den nächsten Tagen fahren wir in den Urlaub mit dem Auto (ca.5 Stunden fahrt) und bleiben dort für eine Woche. Ich habe meinen Sohn versprochen, dass der einen der Goldfische aus dem Aquarium mitnehmen darf, ich habe auch schon ein großes (20L) Glas mit Pumpe besorgt, in dem er dann die Woche schwimmen…
Mein Hase wirkt zurzeit sehr gelangweilt wenn er in seinem Stall oder aussengehege sitzt. Ich würde ihn gerne ein bisschen beschäftigen. Ich hätte sehr viel Platz und auch sehr viel Zeit etwas zu machen. Falls ihr mir irgendetwas empfehlen könnt was ihn beschäftigt schreibt es bitte
No, that’s animal cruelty and also negligent because you could burn the whole house. A rat can also be expelled in other ways or caught if necessary.
No, of course not!
1.: is the animal cruelty,
2.: You can trigger a cellar fire,
3.: the animal is more afraid of you than anything else you do not need to “protect”.
No just not!!!! What did she do to you that you want to light her? She’s a living thing like you. Besides, the probability is very high that you burn the whole house. Why do you want to fight? She doesn’t do anything and isn’t dangerous! We used to have a toad in the basement. What did my father do? Of course, she got out and didn’t run high to get a lighter and light it up. Besides, the animal torture. Imagine you were a little harmless rat that went into a cellar. Suddenly someone comes, is afraid of you and ignites you. How about that?
And just because you’re afraid of her? Rats are so sweet animals
No, of course you can’t. This is grossly negligent and also animal cruelty. And what do you want to fight against? Most rats would run away anyway.
No, that’s animal cruelty! If the rats are a problem, let a chamber hunter come and otherwise leave the poor animals in peace
Whether you light the animal and logically torture it is aware of you.
The worse thing would be that the animal is looking for safety somewhere (e.g. in the façades shlupfloch) and the whole house burns.
Make it bun.
In fact, there was a case where that happened the same way.
Firstly, the animal torture would be, and secondly you could burn the house (and even yourself!) with it.
So a very clear NO!
You can’t. As a boy we started rats, a boy scalped a rat, I remember when it was yesterday. And….it still scares me when some other guys once caught a rat, wrapped with gasoline soaked rags and contagious. I still have the scream in my ears. ;-( It was a garbage dump nearby, so the rats. No, that’s why I can’t kill an animal until today,never never….
Hope could help you 💫 Many nice greetings and stay healthy!😊
Congratulations to the most stupid idea of the day, maybe even the week.
Hello KevinXP123.
This is animal torture.
The rat 🐀 wants to live.
I hope you’re not serious! It would be animal cruelty, and you could burn the whole house.
No, that’s animal cruelty and punishment. Besides, you’d give your cellar a smell that doesn’t fly so fast. In both cases not recommended. (The smell of burnt meat. Did you burn or burn a fly?
This is animal torture. You’re not gonna get rid of this kind of nonsense, especially when you’re shaking the bud.
No, vertebrates are not allowed to be killed and what you’re doing is misery.
No, that’s not what you want to clear this muddy, charred pile? 🤢🤮
What did the rat do to you? No, you can’t torture her. Besides, it’s stupid to ignite something else.
Of course not!
Imagine you’d be a rat, and you burn one randomly because you live.
great, huh?
I wish I was the rat
Same who doesn’t
Kevin is not a name but a diagnosis
No! Poor rat! This is animal cruelty!
You don’t. This is animal torture.
Hello KevinXP123
In addition to an animal torture, you can burn the whole house with such an action.
The burning rat runs away and can thus ignite something
Greetings HobbyTfz
Why animal cruelty?
you don’t need to gg a rat: if you don’t drive them into the narrow, the escape animals are!
No, you can’t!
Firstly, is it animal cruelty and secondly, do you want to burn the whole house?
What did the rat do to you? These are totally social and intelligent animals!
I’m afraid of rats
And you take this as an excuse to run such a terrible animal cruelty?!
The rat is so small and you are so big! Rats, at least the four-legged, are beautiful, nice animals!
If your fear goes so far, you should consider a therapy. These are cute animals.
You’d be a bad animal torture. No one would react that way in an anxiety reaction.
There’s crazy people
Safe♀️ ♀️ Let the house start from the Kevin, who wants the rat in his cellar and thus his house squealing
Safe♀️🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️morgen Lunch?🤦 ♀️
Should we just light the whole world together because it’s there?🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️ ♀️ ♀️
Oh, this river has the same color as my drinking water! Shall I light both?🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️ ♀️
Ohh, there are other beings in the world! Should I light it?🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️ ♀️
Ohh, everybody sees the same heaven as me! Should I light it?🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️ ♀️
Ohh, people in town have breathed the same air as I did! Should I light it?🤦 ♀️ ♀️
Oh, I don’t like this high house! Should I light it?🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️ ♀️
Ohh, there’s a tree in front of my house! Should I light it?🤦 ♀️ ♀️
Ohh, my broccoli I’m just eating is too green! Should I light it?🤦 ♀️ ♀️
Ohhhh, there’s a man walking past my house! Should I light it? 🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️ ♀️ ♀️
Ohhhhh, the newsman has the wrong lipstick! Shall I light them? And if so, with sunscreen or ketchup?🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️ ♀️ ♀️
Oh, the spider in the basement looked at me! Shall I light it? 😭🤦 ♀️
Oh, this man on the street has the same bag as me! Shall I light it? Go to ask gf!
“I am afraid of my neighbor, shall I light him?”
– next question of this guy
Isso is simply disturbed
What’s wrong with the world
Are you crazy? What do you have for sadistic fantasies?
Aside from animal cruelty, it’s hardly negligent.
Animal torture!