Hallo ich habe im Moment echt Probleme meine Sachen zu bezahlen. Ich hab mich leicht verschuldet und wollte daher wissen, ob man quasi den Leuten allen eine email schreiben kann oder Sie anrufen kann und nachfragen, ob man für eine gewisse Zeit einen Stop machen kann. Dann würde ich den einen Monat die eine große Rechnung bezahlen und den anderen Monat die andere und immer so weiter.
Gibt es so eine Möglichkeit?
is possible, but they do not have to agree. But pay better than nothing and keep silent
That would be highly recommended. An inability to pay should always be made known to creditors. Number breaks, or smaller rates are a common means of avoiding negative effects. If you wouldn’t report and stop the payments, then you’ll get any bills. These can even cause you to find an apartment more difficult if you want to move. For landlords hate Schufa entries, but also other organizations.
And that’s better than putting yourself dead, as most of them do in such a case
But not by email or by phone
I’d call. Speaking in this case helps enormously
I don’t think so. Nothing replaces a personal conversation
Letter replaces speech, and is legally more secure for the debtor.
Sure you can do that. But that doesn’t mean everyone agrees. But it’s worth a try.
Try it all. If the creditors agree to it.
Huhu, I was in a situation like that with 3 rats of payments. If you make it clear that you are not insolvent, most people are already involved because a single person is usually not worth the effort to deal with it. Of course, there’s one or the other firm that’s stubborn, that depends of course on where you have that debt. As my previous speakers have mentioned, you better call than do nothing, in which case they are entitled to a reminder. Otherwise, you can say from you that you’ve tried it.
Call, you’ll reach more than if you don’t call. More than a reminder in the worst case is not in anyway.
Write a letter to the creditors by post. That’s better.
Then you have to wait to see if they get involved.
They won’t let themselves in. The debtor who would come to the end has no chance of doing it and all the others would like to be served first. If ever, you can negotiate to reduce the rate.
But this will only work at an extra cost.
Not good, you just push everything out, best you’re economical at all.
Yeah, definitely. But you also have to remain realistic and within the scope of your possibilities. Don’t you think you’re broke today and you’ll be able to have sums in three months. So makeable deals then that can be what.
That is not at all the speech. Why so insane?
It’s easy to understand. 🤷 ♀️ Don’t do it.