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1 month ago

I almost don’t understand.

As long as you comply with your payment obligations, there is no reason for a negative entry in the Schufa.

1 month ago

If a direct debit is not yet a reason to get to the Schufa, however, you have to count on post from the debt collection company or you will definitely get a reminder with the costs incurred by the company. If you don’t pay for it, you’ll land in the Schufa.

1 month ago

For the first time, you should know the terms of your bank. Do you have a dispo or not?

if yes then your account is now for the time until your money comes slightly in minus. You pay interest for it and as soon as money is there you are back in plus and everything is good. You don’t have to worry about anything and don’t worry about it.

you have not dispo is probably rebooked so that this rate is considered not paid. Here, you should know who you agreed to pay for advice. You can also report to the creditor and sign the case then you find a solution or there is a reminder and you pay that then. You have to work here, but it is not problematic in my eyes.

I would not be afraid of a negative entry into my shoes as long as you take care of yourself and the rate will be paid for nothing else. If you point this every month to the date sum x will be due in the future just leave the appropriate amount on the account

1 month ago

I don’t own it yet and the money was pulled on the 15th even though I’m gonna get it a month later?

Depending on the rate payment agreement and availability of the goods, this can happen already.

I am now in the minus the money was pulled only I went to bank minus. My money only comes in 10 days

If you have agreed to a sufficient dispo loan for your current account or if the bank is tolerating the transfer, it will cost you only interest for 10 days.

If you don’t have a dispo or the bank doesn’t thrive the overdraft, the money will be booked back. Your account is no longer in the minus, but you are in default at the first rate.

do I go to the Schufa now or do I have additional costs what happens now?

You don’t get a negative Schufa entry yet. If the bank will book the money back, the lender will charge you the costs for rebooking and possibly a reminder fee. You pay that in addition to the first rate and is good.

What you should do now:

Check your account for the next days if the money has been booked back and credited. If this is the case, contact the rate lender and ask yourself if it is rebooked or you have to transfer. If the bank doesn’t book the money back, you don’t need to do anything else.

1 month ago

What do you mean I thought it’d be pulled off until you own the part?

If you buy something and complete a installment payment, you will see exactly when the sum is due, so you knew it will be deducted a bit beforehand and then you should already have the money on the account.

If your account has a MRP loan, you can go down with your account, then it’s okay to pay interest to your bank first.

But in general any kind of rate payment is recorded at the Schufa and it is of course important that you pay it on time, then everything is good and does not affect your Schufa Score.

1 month ago
Reply to  Dernisay

It’s in your money contract. You should read it before.

1 month ago
Reply to  Dernisay

Sorry, but your brappel can’t understand.

You go down to your bank and pay interest for this.

And why you haven’t got your goods yet you have to ask the seller where you bought

1 month ago

In the Schufa you have landed at the moment you have applied for the installment (but this is not a problem as long as you pay for it).

I don’t own it yet and the money was pulled on the 15th even though I’m gonna get it a month later?

Was this possibly a non-available one you have to wait for?

The problem is that at Paypal the money goes to the seller immediately and then even if zb the delivery time is a little longer your credit contract will be binding immediately