Rat zu stagnieren beim Gitarre spielen?

Hallo Community,

Und zwar versuche ich seit Wochen, dieses Lied auf einer Westerngitarre zu spielen.

Die Abfolgen kann ich sowohl auf der rechten wie linken Hand. Mal mehr mal minder sauber.

Aber ich schaffe es einfach nicht, ein einziges Mal einen kompletten Durchlauf in im normalen Rhythmus zu spielen. Ehrlich gesagt versage ich schon beim Wechsel vom 5/8ten Bund zum 10/12 Bund, was den Rhythmus angeht.

Aber ich spiele Stunde um Stunde und ich komme nicht weiter.

Habt ihr einen Rat?

PS.: ich spiele mit Plektrum und weiß, dass es mit zupfen einfacher wäre. Aber ich möchte es mit Plektrum können

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1 year ago

Each bet: You taught yourself the guitar playing yourself – without teachers – or try to teach yourself.

You can’t be surprised if you hit borders. Also playing after such characters instead of after notes is suboptimal. Normal notes are now the much better system to record a piece of music than such a system after which you try to play something.

My well-meaning advice: Read notes and take lessons with a good teacher. Without you have little chances of ever making reasonable progress, or you will soon frustrate the towel.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kraten

The most important thing when learning a musical instrument is the right technique and it is best shown by a good (!) teacher. This can also draw you attention to errors. The worst thing is to practice a false technique, and you end up in a dead end sooner or later. And then you have to pamper the old – false – technique before you can start with a better technique. 20 minutes a day properly practiced brings much more than 6 hours wrongly practiced. The most important task of a good teacher: show how to practice properly!

A lot of success in the future with guitar learning!

1 year ago
Reply to  Kraten

A teacher has a plan of what makes sense for you to learn and what is the right order of the learning units

1 year ago
Reply to  Bluemilk

Also playing after such characters instead of after notes is suboptimal.

These are notes. Which ones are much more efficient for the guitar than classic notes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vando

Well, I don’t see it like that, otherwise any guitar literature would be recorded so long ago. And, in my opinion, you can pack much more information into normal notes.

The notes you call more efficient are, of course, much easier to learn, but have limits.

1 year ago

Would the question be: When does a guitarist come together with a conductor and is it advisable to learn the more inefficient score system only because of this potential possibility? So, in my opinion, learning classic notes is a waste of time.

In six years of my band membership, I only had a situation where I really needed reading classical notes.

The classical note contains melody, harmony and Rythmus.

They’re the same with reasonable tabs. Future tabs not only contain the same information as classical notes, they even go beyond their information content.

1 year ago

Well, I see that: what you call are techniques of playing, which describe this kind of notes. That’s quite right. On the other hand, a bandleader, a conductor, etc. can’t start with it. The classical note contains melody, harmony and Rythmus. These three things are the essence of all music. How to do this exactly, with what techniques that is reserved to the musicians. I think we’re talking about two different things.

1 year ago

And I just looked after it: either the 8 sources I just researched are all incomplete, or classic notes don’t even know Hammer Ons/Pull Ofs, Slides and Dead Notes. Not to mention Pinch and Natural Harmonics.

1 year ago

Otherwise, any guitar literature would be recorded in this way.

As long as the ‘every’ is not taken literally, it is the case.

but limits

Different. Classical notes have their limits. For example, classical grades do not know bendings by height x. Vibratodives either. Pickscratches just as little.

1 year ago

Do you have any advice?

Sounds strong to me that you didn’t have a reasonable order in your learning plan, and you now lack important foundations for playing this song or are at least insufficiently pronounced. This is typical if you don’t take a teacher.

Now it’s for me as an outsider, of course, perfect riddles, what you’re missing. But I’d guess that right-lefts are hand synchronisation, rhythms, and gripping.

It may also be that your methodology is wrong, and for example, you never practice slowly or have never isolated technical exercises. (If you tried to play completely from 0 to the song, your result would not be surprising.)

I’d be looking for a teacher. However, at least an online course above 200€. And then take what the basics teach seriously.

PS: What my previous speaker said to classical notes, I can completely negate. Learning classical notes is for all people who have no ambitions to work with brass, strings etc., total waste of time.