Rat zu Faltenproblem bei bester Freundin?

Hi erst Mal.

Meine Beste macht sich momentan Gedanken, weil sie mit 31 langsam diese Querfalten auf der Stirn hat. Sind eh nur ganz nah sichtbar und bei blöden Licht. Glaub die hat in dem Alter eh fast jeder schon. Kein Plan joa..

Aber sie sieht sich eben die ganze Zeit nah am Spiegel an und kritisiert sich damit. Hab ihr schon gesagr, ich weiß nicht mal was sie da sieht etc. (Erinnert mich selbst an meine Teen. Phase mit d. leichten Akne etc. ahaha)

Frage, wie kann sie sich damit besser anfreunden, dass das eben so is oder was kann ich ihr sagen?

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2 months ago

how can she be better friends with the fact that it is

by doing something about it…
Then it’s not just that.
On the one hand, a medical microneedling helps, especially if the folds are still quite easy, or, of course, Botox is the means of choosing to prevent wrinkles, so that they do not arise at all or. do not worsen

2 months ago
Reply to  Egaaaaal19804

actually it is.
by nix comes nix!
You have to take care of yourself and do something about problems

2 months ago

Aso, then eat too late at the eh, they are already there

and there will be even more of course… that you can then naturally prevent

Rather hoped to get tips to strengthen their self-acceptance.

if someone interferes with this, then there is nothing to help with “self-accepancy” that shifts the problem at best and in 10 years, if the wrinkles are then much worse this will certainly come back and then is naturally more pronounced and if then the realization comes that one should have done something earlier that it has not come so far with the wrinkles, then that is too late. It is then necessary to put the wrinkles into the skin with more rabia, i.e. deep interventions in the skin with e.g. laser, to the body

2 months ago

But Botox is naturally pure poison

That’s bullshit!
The dose make the poison! In sufficient quantity j actsede (!!) Substance “toxic”. If you drink 12 litres of water every day, you will die. If you deplete a high dose of oxygen for too long, it also acts toxic

Botox is administered in a concentration where it is not a problem and only acts as a muscle relaxant in a very limited area only in the muscle it is injected into. So not even in the whole muscle.

Doesn’t know how much this burdens health

not at all

and for older ladies, this is no longer aesthetic

yes, because it’s insane to do something about wrinkles already there. Against wrinkles, you can do what by contrast preventionso that the folds do not arise first. In this, the conclusions are still good at old age. If you wait until the wrinkles are already very strong then it is too late, you have to do something before.

I’m in the building, there’s always renovation, but iwann isn’t the real thing anymore and you have to tear it off.

If you do something about the wrinkles early on, there is no need to do so later.
Rather on the contrary, the need for heavier interventions only comes exactly when one does not do what early, but waits until it is too late.

2 months ago

My advice: Delete Tiktok app. Let the psychologist treat vanity. Don’t stare in the mirror for hours.