Rat von Zahnarzt befolgt – Teilzeit noch möglich?

Ich soll 3 Mal täglich Zähneputzen, 3 Mal täglich Zahnseide verwenden, 3 Mal täglich Interdentalbürsten verwenden, 1 Mal täglich meine Aufbissschiene putzen, 1 Mal wöchentlich Elmex Gelée verwenden.

Teilzeit noch möglich oder besser Bürgergeld in Anspruch nehmen für die perfekte Gesundheit der Zähne?


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2 years ago

Honestly, you can decide to implement it or not. It is only a “rate” that he gives you what is possible for dental care. I have also been told to brush 2x daily teeth and use dental brushes in the aftertaste. I wouldn’t.

2 years ago

I’d question it first.

Honestly, I don’t trust dentists so much since IGL services sell. There’s a lot to offer that’s not necessary. Do you get commission for Elmex Gelee?

Who’s gonna get the teeth cleaned in the morning? During work, you get your toothbrush and the tooth silk out and go to the toilet room?!

So, tomorrow and evening is enough.

Personal recommendation: In the morning 15 min oil pulling (a half liter of any kitchen oil is enough for you for several weeks to months) and then rinse well and brush teeth with a favorable toothpaste. Teeth silk optional. Interdental brushes are relatively favorable. I can’t handle it, my mother and my brother always had this in their pocket for a while when they were on the way. It may not have been so expensive and cumbersome.

Make it that it is enough for your everyday life.

I want to say: With me a relative died in mid 70, who still had all his teeth and he only used the cheapest tooth cream and nothing else. Yes, he was regular, but not always once a year, at the dentist and used dental cleaning and dental stone removals and nothing else.

So, this way you get through life. One should do the effort that can be sustained in the medium to long term, and that is why I think of effort and time and only then of costs.

At the cost always consider: what brings me the product, what is it, what effect does it have, why is it so expensive?

As a comparison: Recently, I saw almond leaflets in the back department of the supermarket. One pack cost 80 cents or so, the other, the same amount, almost the same pack, brand manufacturer 3,99€!

This can also be transferred to dental care products!

2 years ago

Of course, you can also leave it away, but don’t complain if your teeth are no longer so beautiful.

2 years ago

Full time is also possible. The third time you can brush your teeth to work during your lunch break.

2 years ago

Is there no offline service yet?

Maybe you can hire two busty friends who take care of your tooth?

There must be solutions, try a little more!


PS: Maybe this is a market gap I overlooked…

2 years ago

Two months ago, you were still against citizens’ money.

Then you have enough time and don’t have to get bored.

” (although I am a pensioner myself)”

2 years ago
Reply to  Violetta1

Times change.

2 years ago

Well, klaaar. Character remains the same. 😘

2 years ago

Part-time still possible or better citizens’ allowance for the perfect health of the teeth?

Don’t talk about operas and stop crying. Care reasonable your teeth, as recommended by the ZA and go to work as any reasonable person.

Or should your post be funny?

2 years ago
Reply to  Deichgoettin

Two months ago, he was a pensioner against civil money. The many free time. you have to deal ..