Rasen jetzt schon mähen?
Kann ich jetzt (heute) mit der Rasenpflege anfangen (Rasenmähen, Vertikutieren) oder soll ich noch bis Mitte April warten?
Die Temperaturen werden die kommenden Tage überwiegend über 10 Grad liegen, Abends kann es um die 6 Grad kalt werden (+/-2 Grad)
Whether you’re supposed to be mowing is a matter of taste.
The grass isn’t that very early.
It has to rub the eyes and wait for the right soil heat.
The growth for the hege and care is not very rainy yet.
To illustrate this, it is too early – at least with us in southern Germany.
The winter half-year was wet, the surface of the soil is still wet and heavy when you get to know it, you hit too much of the soil.
Let the sun rise a little higher.
The official beginning of spring is only on Monday.
There’s something else waiting for no more frosts.
That is, when would it be ideal to start?
I wrote that.
All right
There isn’t something yet.
You better wait, in the end you’ll get some bad weather. The lawn does not run away, and a jungle will not grow so fast.
Basically, it doesn’t matter when you start. It doesn’t matter for the lawn.
Was he bad for you when you’re not using too strong wet or persistent dryness. When mowing, be careful not to keep too short over winter (steel frost) but also not too long (snow mold). With persistent dryness not too short (5-6cm is good) mowing so that not too much sun radiation reaches the ground and drys it out.
Addendum: more often mowing but with mulch mowers improves the lawn green. Therefore, the surfaces with mowing robots look better than others, because they are so to speak constantly mowed. But shoot for the neighbors who could nerve the noise.
It would be nice to have a few stripes standing as a bee meadow.
Old family rule, the lawn is first mowed after Easter.
Lawn mowing now?
I mourned that on 2.1. The first dry day long. The weeks before were very wet and the dirt from the trees had to go down. No problem.
It’s better.
When is the ideal time?
If the temperatures do not fall below 10°C, even at night.
I’m thinking about the glacials.
It’s easy
When it gets too high and dry is mowed.
If it leads the week at 20°C, it’s still up.
A little bit of it… the lawn must grow first before he is mowed for the first time. If you do it too early, you will harm the young propulsion that is now very sensitive to lower temperatures. As a rule of thumb, you say that you have to grow twice as high as you want him to be, then you’re the first to mow.
Better be patient now.
April and May are supposed to be the best months to illustrate.
I wanted to start this in the next few days.
What about lawn fertilizer? When do you fertilize?
I never fertilize. For many reasons. for example because of my animals (dog, cat, rabbit). And I have 2,500 square meters of land. My lawn doesn’t have to grow so fast that I would fertilize it. He must grow slowly. I also have to mow it once a week. That’s enough.
too soon
When are you starting?
if the lawn is knee-high…
No. on our lawn we always grow wild flowers. I leave these until flowering stand as insect food (Nectar)
All right, i.e. you run a forest or how?
If you want to mow insect-friendly, then the earliest mid to the end of May.