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2 years ago

between normal and is still sufficient to grade. for example. You don’t have to buy a range rover directly – you can also lease it.

and a range rover can lease you monthly from 400 euro. You don’t have to be rich.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tobi14881sjs

Depends on the model. But even for 900 enough wealthy one does not have to be rich

2 years ago

Yes you have to have coal to keep the boxes on the street with their broken.

Often they are bought to fool. Look at some luxury cars. If there is a large reperature that costs almost the vehicle value of a good small car, it will be repulsed.

2 years ago


The Range Rover is located in the same price segment we are the German premium manufacturers. These fast nobel bodies are also not built for narrow citizens. Nevertheless, you can see quite many of them on the street.

Prosperity can be badly read by the car. Many really rich people drive an average car. They don’t want to see their wealth.
