Random blackscreens?

Hallo, mein Pc mit rx 6650xt rog strix und ryzen 5 5600 kriegt in letzter zeit manchmal ab und zu für 3 sek nen blackscreen und dann verbindet er sich wieder normal. woran kann das liegen? habe btw eine relativ alte treiberversion drauf da die neue einige apps nicht unterstützte oder so.

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3 months ago

rx 6650xt rog strix

You mean “Asus ROG Strix Radeon RX6650 XT
And the question is whether you use the driver of AMD or Asus….
Asus is one of the few manufacturers who always has maps in the assortment that do not work with the reference drivers of the GPU manufacturer error-free and therefore need adapted drivers, which are also only available from Asus. You can only answer the question if you know the EXAKTE model name of the graphics card and not just the series and the GPU.

3 months ago

maybe your cable (display port or HDMI depending on what you’re using) has a wobble contact