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1 year ago

In the case of pre-sale the in principle can buy everyone, there is only very good luck to it. It is a very small area, so not many tickets are available and everyone wants them.

The fan club has the most chances in the field, as people are the first to get to the ticket, but you also need a lot of luck.

1 year ago

You can look at fanals and get a one in there

1 year ago

Hey. Phin140799,

You can buy them. But the fan club has the opportunity to buy tickets before the official sale of the tickets. And most HardCore Rammstein fans want to stop in the fire zone, which is why it is really very hard to get tickets.

If you haven’t got any tickets, you still have the chance to watch FanSale (ventim’s sales platform) for tickets. I got my tickets this year. 1 week before the concerts are often many tickets to buy because other people can no longer go and want to sell their tickets.

I want to go to the fire zone before they don’t go on tour. I wish you good luck, hopefully we’ll both get into the fire zone 🔥

Best regards, Biker0713