Radio findet Frequenz nicht?
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe mir ein Digitales Radio gekauft und wollte den Sender Metropol FM anschalten. Der ist normalerweise auf 97,1 aber es kommt nur ein rauschen.. Kann mir da jemand helfen? Alle anderen Radiosender gehen.
I’m afraid you’re throwing a lot of stuff together.
A digital radio can receive digital (DAB+), but also analogue transmitters (FM). Metropol FM is currently broadcasting only via FM in your region (Hessen).
Analogue radio is divided into frequencies between 87.5 and 108 MHz, each of which can transmit only exactly one transmitter. So in the case of Metropol FM 97,1 MHz. If the transmitter is too weak, you can hear noise or crack. Then you have to enlarge the antenna or look for a higher location. The digital reception part on the radio is switched off when the reception is analogous.
Digital DAB radio is completely noise-free, weak transmitters are not shown at all (you just hear nothing). To do this, the radio must be switched to the DAB mode with the “BAND” or “Source”. These stations are broadcast via DAB in Hesse:
Frequency settings are not necessary, the radio is looking for all receivers.
Greetings from the ELECTRIC
Antenna incorrectly aligned or wrong antenna, wrong analog band set.
See if there is a frequency on the Internet on the transmitter’s website. Often they have several. I like to listen to Radio Montecarlo in Italian and don’t get the ” usual ” frequency in Italy on the radio alarm. Here in Germany I can only hear this online anyway.
I already have, unfortunately nothing..
They have several frequencies. Try to get him in from another city.