Räder pfeifen/quietschen bei Kurven?
Könnte ich Olivenöl benutzen?
Könnte ich Olivenöl benutzen?
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Better make a visit to the workshop.
Don’t tip olive oil anywhere.
Do I also warn against ..
If that doesn’t come because you take the curve quite athletic (in the case normal) I would let the workshop look on it.
If you hung around with no matter what oil and it comes to the brakes, it was with the braking effect.
“To lubricate the wheel from the inside”
I don’t know what you want to do. Olive oil is definitely out of place.
Just let it be checked in the workshop before the damage gets bigger.
NO, olive oil is missing in place and too dangerous!
You should just pick up at night at 3 o’clock at Full Moon .
This helps 👍
Rape oil fits better, take that
Are you kidding me?
Olive oil belongs to the Rucola salad, but has lost nothing in the car
I meanwhile
By bike?
There are special oil for little money :
https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s4/product/wd-40-smart-straw-400-ml lubricant-14091415?gclid=Cj0KCQiAveebBhD_ARIsAFaAvrF0WHvcAL0qR6AXeAYJZ-zGnxsgYirGevD_Gi
No car
I’m overwhelmed. That’s what my husband does.
But olive oil rather not. Maybe it’s up to the rims?
But not to the tires 😉!
Maybe also on the rubber
No, only Christmas water works
Sounds more like low tire pressure.