R7 oder R8 zum filmen?

Guten Tag freunde ich habe eine frage bezüglich Dem filmen. Welche kamera ist besser zum filmen die r7 oder die r8. Eigentlich die r7 oder da sie ibis hat.

Ps. Noch nh Frage wie kann ich das feld vergrößern bei der m50 mk2 wo die kamera fokussiert?

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1 year ago

You don’t even know your own camera right yet, and now you’ve got something new? Learn to film with the M50 before you want to jump back to the next hype. The focus field is enlarged in the Q menu (Q button) on the left. I would suggest you read the camera’s instructions, too, you can find it on the Canon page.

IBIS does not bring as much when filming as a real gimbal and can lead to wobble with certain objectives. Therefore, professional video cameras like the R5C do not have IBIS intentionally. The R8 has a larger full-format sensor and allows more blur in the HG and less noise in poor light conditions. Then you have to decide for yourself what’s more important to you.