R125 oder Ninja 125?


ein Freund von mir hat neulich den A1 Führerschein bestanden und möchte sich nun eine 125er kaufen. Ich hätte ihm vorgeschlagen sich die Yamaha YZF R125 anzusehen, doch er ist eher an der Kawasaki Ninja 125 interessiert. Was ist eure Meinung zu den Bikes? Welches würdet ihr ihm empfehlen und warum?


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6 months ago

I’d both rehearse and decide.

6 months ago

If he likes the ninja better why not. Both are super bikes. The Yamaha is a bit faster and more modern from the technology, but the Ninja also has plenty to offer. Especially in the A1 class, performance, speed is not so important that they do not go so fast.

6 months ago

The R125 is clearly 100 times better.

Much faster. At least about 15kmh and the 2024er would even have a Quickshifter, ABS and the most modern screen of the industry.

You can even connect the motorcycle to your smartphone.

And it looks like a 1000.