Quiet On Set: Warum wurde nichts unternommen?

Die Dokumentation Quiet on Place wurde vor kurzem auf HBO Max veröffentlicht, wo es unter anderem um den Produzenten Dan Schneider und Brian Peck geht.

Die Dokumentation zeigt die Dunkle Seite von den damaligen Nickeloden-Stars, die sexuell Missbraucht worden sind und von schlechtem Umgang der Produzenten reden.

Ich bin mit den Nickelodeon Serien aufgewachsen wie Drake and Josh, iCarly oder Zoey101 und mir wurde erst jetzt bewusst, wie viele Szenen unangebracht und sexualisiert worden sind, wo unter anderem der Fetisch von Dan Schneider für Füße sehr bemerkbar wurde.

Wieso wurde nach all den Jahren nichts unternommen? Wurden die Kinder Stars nicht hinter den Kulissen geschützt?

Was haltet ihr von der ganzen doku oder generell von der Hollywood-Industrie? Sowas passiert immer wieder und das nicht nur in Hollywood.

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1 year ago

Hollywood is still pure economy with very many hierarchical structures, as well as financial and temporal pressure.

Except for Stars of the S Class, possibly A and B (and even those who have to knock if they like a certain role) you are in a huge pool full of sharks and fish who are also looking for food.

In doing so, studios and thus also directing, producers etc. have a lot of power. Actors and Co. live with relationships and recommendations and have to subordinate themselves to one or other things in order to continue to get jobs. This also applies to young actors.

Anyone who notices through reproaches and that even the name is even great will soon get no follow-up orders or will have to bake the smaller rolls at the next casting to get grace the role.

Of course, there are always people who take advantage of their position to dominate, even sexual things are not a secret in Hollywood. The beautiful bright appearance also has a very dark shadow. The notorious candidate couch is often not just a meme. In addition, the upper floors are profit oriented and also have the finger on it. Pressure is applied downwards. That’s what big stars get to feel here and there, because the little ones have nothing to say.

Since parents etc. are not always there and everyone wants to keep his job, possibly. already knows that the sad normality is weakened. A protest will not change much anyway. The show goes on, even without those who complain.