Quentiapin mit anderen Medikamenten?

Hallo ich nehme seit 1 Jahr und 2 Monaten Quentiapin 50mg zusammen mit Sertralin 75mg sowie Candaxiro 8mg für den Blutdruck, da er nach 2 Monaten von der Einnahme immer in die Höhe schoß, jetzt ist alles super. Ab morgen kann ich die Quentiapin absetzen kann da etwas mit dem Blutdruck oder sonstiges passieren. Vielleicht könnt ihr mir antworten Danke

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1 year ago

Quetiapine is an atypical antipsychotic which is approved for the treatment of schizophrenic psychosis, bipolar disorders and as an additional drug in depression. Due to its well-sleeping effect, it is often also used as a sleeping agent.

Quetiapin does not depend in the classical sense. An active desire for the substance (craving) in the sense of a addiction does not exist at any time. Nevertheless, the settling of Quetiapin is not always quite easy. Very often, so-called settling symptoms occur. These are manifested mainly by temporary sleep disorders, sweating, nausea and other symptoms.

In general, Quetiapine is recommended to settle slowly and in small steps. In your case, this would mean that only 1-2 weeks down to 25mg and then leave it completely. But you should talk to your doctor.

1 year ago

Can be you get withdrawal symptoms