Source analysis World War I?
Does anyone happen to have a source analysis for a text about World War I? That would really help me, since I have to hand it in the day after tomorrow.
Why might the cartoonist Johann Michael Voltz have omitted the important event of Napoleon's victory over Prussia in 1806 from the cartoon?
There are many sources that say something different.
How does the author want history to look?
It's about the famine in India in the 19th century, which was caused by Great Britain. Great Britain robbed India and its people, letting them suffer without helping them. They only wanted India for their own benefit without helping them with their crises. Later, the Queen of Great Britain was also named Empress of India,…
Who do you think Jack the Ripper was?
Quellenanalyse 1. Weltkrieg
Hast ja noch massig Zeit zum Zusammenstellen.
Das ging aber echt schnell!