Improve the quality of the story?

Hello everyone,

I enjoy writing short stories. Not for commercial purposes, but for fun. Do you have any tips on how to improve these short stories? Is it even possible to improve them? Thank you in advance.

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1 year ago

You can’t give them a package. It would be important to look at your writing style and then to look ‘where are the vulnerabilities, what can be done there’.

I can now write a lot about ‘adjectives, descriptions, matching metaphors, coherent plot, dog puppies’… But in the end, I don’t know what you’re doing right, what’s your style, which isn’t my case, but you’re putting it perfectly in the overall picture, so it’s gonna fit again. or where, if necessary, there is really a problem that you should just look at.

So I can only make a few general statements: read a lot, write a lot. Find your own style and see how it comes to your audience… or not.

What may help you improve your style etc. etc.: Read a lot yourself. So look other short stories of other authors, possibly also into certain genres that interest you.

Have fun writing 🙂

1 year ago

Without seeing your writing style, it is very difficult to judge. I think you can always see if there’s something you can do better, just show your stories to someone from your relationship or your circle of friends or publish them on Storyban.