Hives and constantly sick?
Hey, I last went to a tanning salon 1-3 months ago. I've been there several times, which isn't good for my skin at all. At my last appointment at the tanning salon, I got severe hives (whiles), and now I get them all the time, and they're not small! 2. I'm seriously ill 24/7. For several months now, I've been sick for 2 weeks, healthy for 2 weeks at most, and then sick again. That's really no joke. When I have the flu (a cold), I genuinely think I'm going to die from the pain, and I often had these thoughts that I wouldn't get better and would be sick 24/7. Now I don't have these thoughts anymore because I actually find life relatively good…
Could be a so-called polymorphic light dermatosis
Polymorphic light dermatose – DocCheck Flexikon
The anamnese is not quite typical.
In any case, I recommend contacting the doctor and avoiding the solarium until further notice.
Honestly, I would go to the house or skin doctor.
Looks like stitches, so if you have pets, you might think about fleas. Do you not take any medication if you check… (sufficiency, rash as a side effect) allergy? (Check mal Shower Bodylotion etc with code check, laundry detergent and dishwasher not forget to check) Maybe your immune system reacts, but as I said, it would let it be medically cleared…
Please inform family doctor and skin doctor… Scheis Solarium😭
To the idea of going to the house or better: You didn’t come to the skin doctor?
Contact allergy? Let’s go. Washer? Shower…?
Or did you take any Viechers home? Flee or something?
What does your pediatrician say?