Python lernen als Anfänger?

Hey Leute,

ich habe überhaupt keinen Plan wie programmieren funktioniert. Ich will nächstes Jahr eine Ausbildung als Softwareentwickler starten. Wie sollte ich am besten anfangen? Ich habe mir Youtube Videos angeschaut und dachte mir nur “WTF?” ^^

Habt ihr Tipps und Tricks, wie ich vom absoluten Python Noob irgendwann mal zum Erfahrenen werden kann?

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1 year ago

Regardless of the choice of language, you need to understand WAS you need to teach the computer to produce the desired results.

A good example can be seen here:

Let someone write a tutorial on how to get toast and then follow exactly this guide. Unlike real life, computers have no basic knowledge they would use automatically. If someone gives you a bread, you don’t have to say that you have to move to the fridge, open the door, take the butter, close the door, bring the butter to the table… These are all things you just do without having to think. And the one who gives you this does not worry about it either. He just assumes that you have so much experience to do this.

The programmer must, on the other hand, disassemble the goals in the smallest steps and teach each step with the corresponding commands in the correct order to the computer with a language that understands both computers and programmers.

Basic is quite easy to learn and many of the commands you learn are self-explanatory by their name. And you can find these commands in many other languages.

For a = 1 to 10
Print a

Here the numbers from 1 to 10 are automatically output to the screen.

In the first line, you specify that a loop should be started. The variable a is increased by the value one at each passage. The loop begins with the value 1 and ends with the value 10.

In the second line, the value of the variables a is to be displayed on the screen.

And so that the loop closes, in the third line, the command is to proceed to the next step of the loop, whereby the variable a is increased by 1. And so again the second and then the third line is executed. This happens so often until the variable a has reached the value of 10.

Then it would continue with the fourth line. However, there are no other rows except these three and thus the program is terminated.

1 year ago


I know that “the language doesn’t matter, you have to understand the concepts”.

But I can only strongly advise you to learn the language that is also taught in your training. Believe me, the differences are big enough and it is extremely helpful if you don’t have to change the language. And I speak from experience.
So ask yourself if Pyhton is the language of choice.

To answer your real question, I would look at several YouTube tutorials. Basically, it is important that the creator speaks to you and you can motivate yourself for the topic.
In my opinion, it’s best to get into the mode “I want to make XY, how’s it going?” The base you learn in the tutorial and then you solve tasks and learn something each time.


1 year ago

So first earth I select the programming language you need when it’s already Python then stay with Python.

I learned programming mainly through books. I have also read through a few times and needed some thinking to understand how it is. Of course there are also many video tutorials on the Internet, but by books I have learned most so far. If you understand something, you can ask someone who knows it (or ChatGPT) more detailedly.

I hope I could help!

1 year ago

Youtube Videos

Python books

Interactive courses such as Codecademy(there are also free courses)

In any case, you may also see in what area you are working later and learn a language accordingly. But in itself, Python is a good and easy language to get in

1 year ago

Learning programming is not about learning a specific language. The language is only the “Vokabeln” to implement algorithms.

It’s about training learning to understand what you need to do to achieve certain goals. You can start with Python. Java or C are also very good beginners languages. If you can do one right and understand the algorithms as you can develop programs, it won’t be as hard to learn new programming languages.