Pyramids in Bosnia?

The world's first pyramids were built in Bosnia 30,000 years ago. The pyramids provide evidence that an advanced civilization existed there, although research suggests that the first advanced civilization was the Sumerians, who emerged about 5,550 years ago.

How can that be? Doesn't that prove that we still don't know so much? Can we erase our history and start right back from scratch? How could they have built pyramids back then?

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2 years ago

there are no pyramids in Bosnia, there are a few mountains that a completely brazed builder called pyramids

2 years ago

The fact that pyramids were built 30 000 years ago, I doubt it very strongly and also that it is a pyramid, that is also the presumption of some people who have not yet been able to prove anything.

2 years ago

The Bosnian pyramids are a fake. Already proved several times. The mountains are natural. The culprit of this theory has a certain addiction and is a pseudoarchaeologist and esoteric. Now let’s be honest. 30000 years ago, there were not enough people to build such a high and massive building, considering how thousands of people built Egyptian pyramids. You have to look aside from proving dss all with logic.

1 year ago

These are the tombs for Tito. His mummy is to resurrect and rebuild Yugoslavia.

2 years ago

Who knows? Maybe people had much more knowledge than we did today? Who knows where they came from?

2 years ago

This is a beautiful marketing gag for a mountain that looks very similar to a pyramid. Just because this mountain is very distinctive, archaeologists have also found objects of use. But nothing suggests that this mountain was completely shaken by man. People have lived on it and in it. That’s all.


2 years ago


30000 years ago, the first pyramids in the world were built in Bosnia.

Just a hypothesis.

Can we delete our story and start directly at 0?

No. But you’re asking your question, as incorrect premise.