Pupillendistanz Achse?
kann man aus der Achse 105 eine Pupillendistanz erhalten?
ich möchte in einem Onlineshop eine Brille bestellen der eine will die Achse der andere die Pupillendistanz ich kenne die Achse der andere braucht das wahrscheinlich auch also gehe ich davon aus dass das was ähnlich ist?
Pupillendistant has nothing to do with an axis at all, it is just the indication of how far the two eyes are away from each other. Axis is with the most important indication of astigmatism.
Better to buy on site, you are definitely better off and cheaper with all the following things.
For glasses, you need some parameters. Besides the visual values, also the pupil distance. These are two different pairs of shoes.
The axis has nothing to do with the pupil distance. The former describes the position of a possibly present corneal curvature, the latter describes the distance from your nose back to the center of the pupil (=> see photo!).
Both are determined by the optician in a refraction, a professional vision test. Only when you have all the values, you can order a glasses that really suits you.