Punkte im Sichtfeld?
Ich bin seit 2 Tagen erkältet.
Gestern fing es an das ich viele Punkte im Sichtfeld hatte.
Vorhin aufgestanden und jetzt habe ich ein fetten großen Punkt im Sichtfeld und kann teilweise Sachen kaum erkennen also so ein bisschen wie dieses Aura von Migräne.
Ist das normal?
It may already be possible that your eyes will react in this way due to your cold, which is not normal at all. If you are so worried, it would be very useful to have the ophthalmologist examine. Either Monday morning without appointment, in your environment’s ophthalmologist’s practice, or you’re going to an emergency ambulance for security now, if possible with an affiliated eye department. Good improvement for you.
I think I’ll wait till tomorrow. But can you have aura without migraines? It is really such a thick black dot and about so 2 white spots the flickers.
Doctor. Possibly a starting retinal detachment. Department of Ophthalmology
I can’t answer the question. But you shouldn’t wait until tomorrow, it should be something that needs to be treated immediately. Just as far as the visual organs are concerned!
That’s right. It can be a lot behind the perception of points and flickering spots, so you should immediately go to an emergency clinic.
No. Doctor!
Please call the 116117 and give advice. This can be something serious where haste is required.
What’s that number?
Under the 116117 you will receive the patient service, which, for example, refers to the medical standby service or to the emergency clinic, as I told you. Call there, the number can be reached around the clock.