Puch maxi hat Fehlzündungen beim Beschleunigen?

Setup: E50 Motor, schneller 50ccm Motor, 16 dellorto sha düse 68, auspuff: rs zigarre, surflex kupplung, dmp 2.0 kurbelwelle, ori zündung, ngk b7hs, gemisch 1:60

Hallo. Meine Maxi spring super an, aber beim losfahren hat sie wenig Drehzahl, beschleunigt nicht gut also hat keine Kraft und hat fehlzündungen. In höheren Drehzahlen kommen Fehlzündungen fast- bis garnicht vor.

Ich bin mit meinem Latein am Ende kann mir jemand helfen was das Problem sein könnte?

(3 votes)

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1 year ago

First of all, it’s to say that you’ve built good ingredients.

The problems – as far as it can be judged remotely – can therefore only be due to a faulty vote/adjustment, as well as to and write correctly.

I’d start with a reasonable carburetor setting and with the full gas setting.

So that I don’t have to explain the individual steps here, I’ll follow you a link below, where this is very well explained.

I wouldn’t drive at your place 1 : 60, but 1 : 50.

However, there would also be the possibility to switch to boron lubrication.

Then you could drive 1 : 100, with less wear and more performance, but the conversion must be done carefully.



1 year ago

on a non-clean vote by unprofessional tuning

1 year ago
Reply to  Ippy12

I would start to make the original condition and leave the tuning a professional

1 year ago
Reply to  nobodyathome


Your opinion

This happens when you actually have very good components simply “mixed” but probably don’t have a little idea of what everything needs to be set…

Certainly, the FS doesn’t do a favor with its engine if it continues with the faulty ignitions….

Then, in the case of an already bad or, better to say, non-existent vote, he also reduced the proportion of oil in a mixture and that in the case of a performance-enhancing engine…

If you want to do this, you turn to a lubrication with boron salt, because then you can easily drive 1 : 100.

We all really like to help but then we ask ourselves if the cows are already on the ice, after the cause and so easy it is not now to determine the causes from afar.

suspects early ignition and it also speaks a lot for it, but I am quite sure that the carburetor vote is not true, because this would also explain the bad gas intake and the misignition….

Let’s see how we can help FS.

1 year ago

As this sounds, the ignition is set wrong or too early. This does not fit in the bottom with the early ignition in the upper speed range. The spark comes too far PRE OT and thus the piston already runs against the flame front in the combustion chamber.

Ignition should go later.