Pubertät Tanner Stadium Normal?
Hallo ich M/15
Ich bin denke ich in der Pubertät weil schon viele sache passiert sind aber in letzter Zeit passiert einfach gar nichts seit circa. 2-3 Monaten
1,72cm,10cm,Achselharre ein wenig,Schamharre,Samenerguss,kein Wachstumschub,kein Stimmbruch,sehe kindlich aus
Linker Hoden: 3-3,5cm lang 2 cm breit
Rechter Hoden: 2,5-3cm lang 1,5-2cm breit
Ich würde mich mittig zwischen Tanner Stadium 2 und 3 einschätzen
Ist das Normal alles ? Ich bin Spätzünder
Mfg Luca
Very many infos xD. All you can say as an outside stand I think that you are normal for 15, Already Axle hair, good size Cum Hair Saamener Casting. Breaking of voice comes at all different speeds, so I think you can’t do a lot, except to say that you’re normal
LG Robin also 15
How often do you ask this question old, calm down you are normal old.
I’ve never got a real answer and I’m getting burned as late as I’m supposed to calm down?
The website will give you something that you can go through entries from other 15 year olds and so stop as a comparison? You asked if this is normal, and you can see that there are people who are also “so”. And I can get a little bit more out of it when, last 12/13, I started my first corpse and vocal rupture. I had growth boost and hair stopped coming at some point with 14 so approx.
I just wanted to know when what happened next when did you get your next sign after first sperm?
What do you expect for an answer, and will be pampered to be late lighters idk is ig normal so in young people, you can handle it. I’m still out of tuning, but I’m not finished for a long time, if you want to compare yourself with the same thing you can do the puberty list search there are mega many entries about puberty and so where you need to answer questions can write one yourself.
Maybe you don’t feel that what happens in development
But otherwise the values of you are right
I’d say is normal and don’t worry
Me too m15
The youth studies are also suitable for such purposes. Make an appointment with a pediatrician and adolescent.
So you asked the question 1 month ago there you were 170cm. Now you are 172cm. So obviously something happens
I’m just 1.71 cm.
Then you have grown 1cm
in the 3 I’m sure I just got in there myself, what do you see now?