Pubertät Ernährung Wachstum?
Ich bin 14 Jahre alt und ernähre mich seit Letztes Jahr winter viel gesünder. Z.B.: hab ich auf Weizenmehl verzichtet, esse stattdessen Vollkorn. Süßigkeiten nur 1/2x pro Woche. Koche nur mit Olivenöl, ab und zu mit Butter. Esse viel Gemüse, Fleisch, Milchprodukte, Obst, Trockenfrüchte und Nüsse.
Aber dieses Jahr war ich im Urlaub und dort hab ich wirklich Alles gegessen OHNE Verzicht! Und das jeden tag für 3 Wochen.
Es war natürlich etwas anders für mich, hatte auch Schuldgefühle aber dadurch hatte ich nen extremen Wachstumsschub. Denkt ihr es liegt an der Ernährung weil ich auch nicht‘s verzichtet hab? War es denn eigentlich ungesund (für mich) so wie ich es vorher gemacht hab?
Certainly not. We have everything we need for our growth, more than abundant in food.
You’re growing in raids. When these occur individually and depends on genetic factors.
You had a genetically controlled growth boost and in the next 3-4 years you can follow more. Only with about 18 can the growth joints (epiphysis joints) become clogged.
I wish you a nice day
Growth strokes are due to when your body produces and spills growth hormones.
With the diet, you can and should support your body so that it has everything. Be sure to feed you balanced and to eat in particular enough (no matter whether animal or vegetable) protein, which is needed for growth in addition to many others.
Maybe the body needed these calories to grow. You didn’t hurt yourself with that. The growth hormones certainly had their share of your unusual appetite, the body gets what it needs, you can listen to it calmly and trust that it wants the right one.
No, it wasn’t unhealthy. How did people feed when there was no Internet? Was that unhealthy? Did they die?
Full grain is healthy. But there’s also wheat flour in there. Why do you want to do without wheat flour?
Why are you using olive oil? Rapeseed oil is even better.
The peculiar problem is overweight, smoking, alcohol.