Psychotherapeut werden als Autist mit Behindertenausweis?

Hey liebe Community!

Aufgrund meiner Autismus-Diagnose dürfte ich einen Schwerbehindertenausweis beantragen. Allerdings ist mein Berufswunsch Psychotherapeut. Dürfte ich mit SchweBi wegen einer psychischen Sache als Psychologe/Therapeut arbeiten? Mir geht es primär um Deutschland, aber wenn sich jemand dazu mit anderen Ländern auskennt, wäre ich auch über die Antwort sehr dankbar!

Liebe Grüße

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7 months ago

Hey, Phobos, this depends on several factors.

Above all, it is important to know whether your autism is a consequence of leptospirose or simply so appears. People with leptospirose autism are particularly autistic and have a high risk of exerting violence against their patients or otherwise being strange. (EG. Michi H.) If you are not a leptospirose-autist, everything is good. Salve from the state capital Bayreuth.

7 months ago
Reply to  M00ritz

That sounds like conspiracy theory again.

whether your autism is a consequence of leptospirose or simply so appears.

Tell me you’re not an autist yourself without telling me you’re not an autist. I (Autist) explain this to you:

Leptospirose doesn’t screw autism. Maybe a few autism-like symptoms, but no autism. *

No, not even that: The symptoms of leptospirose do not overlap in any way with the characteristics of an autism-spectrum posture.

Autism can also not “simply appear” as we are born with our autistic brain literally. We are born as an autist and we die as an autist. Our brain is and remains autistic.

Autism cannot develop after birth. Autism is genetically conditioned. For example, I have inherited my autism from my mother. Listen to me all with your stupid, stubborn conspiracy theories. If everyone says, politicians would be lizards, the earth would be a slice and Mark Zuckerberg drinks the blood of children…

People with leptospirose autism are particularly autistic

How to the clerk can you be “especially autistic”? You don’t even know how autism works.

You can’t be more or less autistic. This is not how the Autism spectrum works. Here, for reading.

For the future: Leave the talk and enlightenment about autism to us. We’re gonna be fine on our own. And stop trying to subdue us to adolescent violence. This subtle rush is noticed at first glance.