Psychose nach einmal Kiffen?
vor ca 4 Monaten habe ich das erste mal gekifft und habe seit dem nicht mehr konsumiert. Dabei verspürte ich nur schlechte Sachen. Neben dem trockenen Mund hatte ich optische Störungen. Es hat sich so angefühlt das würde ich hin und wieder aus meinem Körper gehen und ich habe die Sachen die ich angeschaut habe dabei ganz komisch fokussiert. Ich konnte auch nicht klar denken und bin in Panik geraten. Vor drei Wochen hatte ich dann aber wieder so einen psychotischen Zustand für ca 20 Minuten. Heute war das wieder so aber für über ein einhalb Stunden. Wenn das wieder weg geht fühl ich mit total dekonzentriert und abgelenkt. Ich mache mir echt Sorgen und habe Angst dass das nicht mehr weggeht. Kann mir jemand helfen?
What’s going on right here and what role your substance is playing can’t judge strangers from the internet. Not only because users are usually lacking the necessary qualifications.
Please talk to professionals if you don’t feel good. You can talk about everything openly with the doctor thanks to the confidentiality.
Good luck!
Was that even cannabis? Did you know that there are often synthetic cannabinoids in there? This is the ingredient of the drug Spice.
However, cannabis can trigger psychosis in very rare cases, so you should observe the following rules when using:
It is also important that you before the 25th. Year of life does not consume because the brain is still in development and here the danger of psychosis is greater.
Observe your situation and take natural remedies (Johanniskraut, Passedan, Valerian) These calm and promote the psyche. If it doesn’t improve in the next few weeks, a doctor should be consulted.
LG 👍
I’m under 20, so the cannabis was medically from the pharmacy. However, it was a mixed consumption
Hi Muscimol:)
“Cannabis can trigger psychosis in very rare cases […]”
I wouldn’t sign that.
With only once a week it is not guaranteed!
In addition, I would like to mention the following: The brain develops all life. Essentially, brain ripening is almost completed at 25 years.
In order to alleviate psychotic symptoms, the means you have mentioned are at best suitable and not recommended. They do not intervene in the glutamate or in the dopamine budget and cannot influence the ypmtomatics.
Thanks for the info. I know what you mean. Unfortunately, there are also people who already get a psychosis at the first LSD consumption, even though they only dose low. Yes, drug is now drug and the brain is still not 100% researched as it is just so complex.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You only had a cannabinoid overdose due to your consumption undesirable side effects. These side effects are often psychic and very meticulous and triggering fears. This happens when you get too often inhaled, instead of leaving it with just one, two trains.
Such experiences can sometimes repeat themselves from nothing, but then only for a short time, but are perceived emotionally as negative.
My advice: do it right or don’t do it.
What would you say is right?
Simpliified: Start low and go slow
Go to the family doctor!
Substance-induced psychoses sound after a few days if consumption is stopped, but they can also chronify. You better act fast.
But that you recognize the symptoms as a consequence of consumption is a “good” sign. Then (after DSM-5) there is no psychosis, but an “intoxication”.
Watch it carefully and find a doctor immediately!
What does intoxication mean? I’m going to visit a doctor, but I don’t want my father to know I’ve consumed. Isn’t there anything like a doctor’s silence? Or can I just say that nothing came out of it?
Intoxication simply means noise. Some connections “have a lot to do”. In the case of strongly acting stimulants (amphetamines, for example), it is known that even days after consumption they still act psychomimetic (=psychosis-like).
Can also be the case when ciffing. At the latest, if that lasts a few weeks, I’d be worried.
For the first time, I recommend that you keep calm. The symptoms are, of course, burdensome, and I wish you were well overstepped! But this is (most likely) over:)
Yes the doctor has a duty to silence!
This will remain your secret. But the faster you take care of it the better 👍🏻
Once again, it can trigger psychotic states. I recommend you go to your family doctor for the first time.