

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Derealisation und Depersonalisation?

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4 months ago

Derealization and depersonalization are two states that have to do with dissociation and often feel similar, but act in different ways.

Derealisation is about how the outside world is perceived. People affected by this often describe that their surroundings suddenly seem strange or somehow “ineffective” – as if everything is perceived by a veil or they are in a dream. Colors and sounds can work differently, sometimes even damped or strangely changed. Although those affected know that their surroundings are real, they have the feeling of being emotionally separated from them.

Depersonalization, on the other hand, affects one’s own self. People with this state experience themselves as strange or as in a movie where they are spectators of their own action. Body parts can feel strange or not related, and often report those affected that their emotions appear “deactivated” or far away. It is as if they look at themselves from a different perspective, which can insecure the feeling for the “me”.